Exploring Motivations and Challenges of Ex-convicts, and the Roles of ALS in their Reintegration in the Mainstream Society


Studies on ex-prisoner’s reintegration are mostly seen in the context of psychological, criminological, and sociological perspectives. Limited attention was given in exploring motivations and challenges of ex-convicts in the reintegration process through the lens of education. Hence, ten ex-convicts who graduated from Alternative Learning System were interviewed to examine this phenomenon and how the program supports them in the process. Thematic analysis employed to the responses of this phenomenological study revealed that family and friends, religion, and sound philosophies are four primary motivating factors. Social stigma, unemployment, family-relationship and self-control issues hinder the successful reconnecting to the community. Alternative Learning Sytem (ALS) addresses these challenges by providing the certification of learning needed for employment and skills development, renewing their self-worth and new identities as individuals, and equipping them with values and attitudes necessary in the world of work. Findings of this inquiry were argued in the context of reviewing the current educational programs in prison for a possibility of crafting relevant and inclusive prison education curriculum; designing professional development programs for ALS implementers teaching in prison cells; and laying future directions of adult learning in basic education sector.

Author Information
Ernie Pamor, Department of Education, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: SEACE2020
Stream: Adult

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