From Compassion Fatigue to Compassion Satisfaction: A Research Among Physicians Specialising in Oncology at the University of Padua


Context: The quality of health workers' professional life includes some expressed or latent metacognition skills related to psycho-emotional stress management, especially in settings where there is constant contact with suffering or dying patients. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the quality and quantity of self-care strategies among oncology residents. Method: A professional educator administered the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL), which measures compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction, and an ad hoc questionnaire. The ProQOL is a questionnaire developed and validated explicitly to detect the emotional experience and perceived work quality of professionals engaged in high-exposure settings due to the onset of vicarious disorders. The same educator also interviewed each of the subjects involved in the study (semi-structured interview). The data collected, both quantitative and qualitative in nature, were analysed using a dedicated software (SPSS, ATLAS.ti). Results: Most of the residents involved were at risk of burnout and had low scores on the subscale of the test measuring satisfaction related to the pleasure of helping others.The study on oncology residents, known to be exposed daily to the risk of incurring vicarious disorders (Cheli, et al., 2017; IsHak et al., 2013; Rotenstein et al., 2016; Sinclair et al., 2016), confirmed the trend highlighted by a recent review of the literature (Panagioti et al., 2016).

Author Information
Paola Rigoni, University of Padua, Italy
Natascia Bobbo, University of Padua, Italy

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2021
Stream: Adult

This paper is part of the ECE2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Rigoni P., & Bobbo N. (2021) From Compassion Fatigue to Compassion Satisfaction: A Research Among Physicians Specialising in Oncology at the University of Padua ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2021: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 421-430)
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