Category: ACSS2017

School Lunch Supply Process from the Perspective of Service Design: A Case Study of Elementary School Program in Taiwan
The school lunch program in Taiwan was developed in 1954. In recent years, related studies and reports demonstrate that the trend of Taiwanese student wasting their school lunch is climbing. Every year, the number of wasted lunch is as high as several thousand tons and the wasting up to 1.9 Billion NT in cost. Those …

The Research of Instructional Objectives of Science Education in Taiwan: An Experience of Biology Teaching in Junior High School
The rapid changes bring with the tide of globalization. To promote national development in upcoming knowledge economy and information technology, cultivation of talent becomes an important issue. School education must also be amended and adjusted. In daily life, the relationship of public and technology products is closer and thus the cultivation of scientific literacy is …

The Research of Taiwan Virtual Idol Design Factor Analysis
In December 2014, Kaohsiung MRT works with creator to launch ‘K.R.T. GIRLS’ in order to attract young people’s attention, it received a great response. In addition, Taiwan professional baseball team Uni Lions also established girl idol group ‘Unigirls Junior’ at June 2016, the group also has three virtual idol to serve as its corporate image …

A Study of Comfort Elements Combine with Local Mascot: The Case of Yunlin Townships
Yunlin County, which located in south-west of Taiwan, west of the Taiwan Strait and consists of twenty townships. Due to its plain ground and fertile soil environment advantages which suits for agriculture, it has been being the main supplier of rice and vegetables, which had made a great contribution to Taiwan. Although there is an …

Case Study on the Organizational Structure Design Based on Technological Innovation Platform of Core Enterprises within the Distributed Innovation Networks
Research from a variety of perspectives has argued that technological innovation no longer takes place within a single organization, but rather is across multiple institutions or firms within a distributed network. This paper only discusses one kind of the distributed innovation networks that the ones have a core enterprise as the innovation platform provider. This …

An Analysis of the Effect of Building Street Light Management Systems on Street Light Management and Repairs: A Case Study
The Kinmen County has a total of approximately 15,000 street lights. Because of the countless types of street light equipment information, that such information is updated periodically, and that information pertaining to the building and maintenance of street lights in different times is difficult to preserve, control, and access, related departments often spend considerable time …

The Study of Marketing Strategy from Traditional Industries: The Case of Handmade Plain Misua Industry in Kinmen
Plain misua evolved from traditional Chinese pasta. Since the ancestors’ era, it has been one of the most important food ingredients used for ceremonies of long-life and birthday greetings, temple’s worship, as well as the local street foods. The plain misua is one of the most local products of Kinmen county. Early inhabitants have ground …

Risk Management and Profit-Loss Analysis of Foreign Currency Risks During Low-Interest-Rate Periods: A Case Study of NTD/NZD
In recent years, central banks in many countries have adopted quantitative easing monetary policy which induces lower-interest-rates; take Taiwan as an example, currently the interest rates for short-term (one year or shorter) time-deposits range from .1%~1%. Yet, foreign banks offer short-term deposits with interest rates between 1%~5% which greatly welcome by investors. The drawback for …

From the Battlefield to the Tourist Attraction – Investigating the Changes of Paternalistic Style of Leadership in Kinmen
On an offshore island of Kinmen, where intensive artillery fire from across the Strait had rained and there remains a sharp look of place of battle, was stationed by troops of nearly a hundred thousand men at a beginning stage. Owing to the commodity and monetary control by the Government, more commodities were needed than …

Resilient Living Environments: Identifying a Design Approach to Creating Housing Suited to Culture and Context
This paper’s focus is on identifying a system for devising and implementing a culture and context specific planning and design approach to creating the right low cost housing solutions for sites prone to flooding and ground instability. Two sites are explored, one in Sri Lanka and the other in Nanjing, China.The paper first presents the …

A Research on the Relationships among Role Pressure, Personality Traits, and Job Satisfaction-Personnel Employees at National Universities in Taiwan
The national universities in Taiwan are rather distinctive from the aspects of characteristics, for example, the staff including academic and administrative categories which fit with various compliance systems. Furthermore, Taiwan Governments have been attempting to reform the administrative policies on military and public servants, and to revise the labor-related policies. All the changes have casted …

A Framework for E-Health Promotion Plan: Health Behaviors of University Students and Their Interest in Campus Health Promotion Experiential Activities
The purpose of this study aimed to provide an assessment of the needs of health promotion in university students, based on body composition analysis reports, lifestyle variables and the interest in health promoting activates. The researcher design and development a new approach to guide health promotion practice which is an e-Health promoting plan to facilitate …

A Study on Collaborative Learning Based on Dynamic Group in E-Learning
E-learning’s dramatic change in information technology (IT) infrastructure has led to fundamental changes in how educations operate and also brought people flexibility, freedom, and equal rights and opportunity to learn. However, not all students could adapt to virtual learning successfully. There are different characters between students in vocational school systems and students in traditional universities …

Continuing Professional Development of Modern Regulators: Innovation and Discovery in Program Approach
The impacts of not establishing and maintaining a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program can be particularly disruptive for regulatory agencies. These impacts can include: knowledge decay, de-skilling, inconsistent work practices, and ineffective regulatory decisions; all of which affect the ability of agencies to deliver public value. CPD is an important element for modern regulators to …

Factors Predicting Intention to Use Social Network among Buddhist Monks in Bangkok
This research study on “Factors Predicting Intention to Use Social Network among Buddhist Monks in Bangkok” has the following objectives: 1. To study correlation between perceived self-efficacy in using technologies, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm and intention to use social network sites among Buddhist monks. And 2. To study factors that affect …

Mediated Citizenship: Examining the Tokyo Big Three Newspapers Depiction of Citizens during Japan’s Postwar Independence and Commencement as a Democracy
This study analyzed the Tokyo Big Three commercial newspapers (Asahi, Mainichi, and Yomiuri) in the wake of Japan’s postwar independence and emergence as a sovereign democracy. The aim of this study was to examine how the Tokyo Big Three depicted and incorporated Japan’s citizens into democracy with regard to their newly inherited role as the …

Towards an Improved Theory of Disruptive Innovation: Evidence from the Personal and Mobile Computing Industries
This research studies the concept of disruptive innovation, its patterns, and the mechanisms that cause it. By using quantitative and qualitative evidence from the personal and mobile computing industries, this research serves to corroborate Clayton Christensen’s disruption theory, the main theory proposed today as an explanation of this phenomenon. It identifies the strengths and weakness …

The Unsc Resolution 1540: Prospects and Challenges for Regional Governance and Cooperation in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia is a significant player, potentially as both consumer and producer, in the development and trade of WMD materiel. The availability and accessibility of WMD materiel or CBRN weapons have lost its exclusivity to government official use and military authorities thus exposing Southeast Asia to grave threats and damages to regional peace and human …

The Development of Salaya through Agricultural Livelihood Transformations
A number of recent studies similarly indicated dramatic change in the traditional rural society: subsistence farming was not the main way of life in Thailand rural anymore. Agricultural production is aimed to produce for sales at market rather than for subsistence. Salaya was one of those rural areas transformed over recent decades as the consequence …

The Case Study of Entrepreneur’s Behavior and Enterprise Transformation Mode Selection
As one of the main bodies of the market, SMEs play the most active part in the market, fueling the industrial structure transformation. Currently, the relevant researches on this topic mainly focus on the motives of the transformation, integration of resources allocation, path evolution, mode selection and consequences of the transformation. Few studies, however, have …

New Consensus on Archipelagic Sea Lane Passage Regime over Marine Protected Areas: Study Case on Indonesian Waters
Indonesia’s Archipelagic Sea Lanes (ASLs) is the routes of navigation that used to pass through the archipelagic waters and territorial sea of Indonesia. Every state has the right of ASL’s passage. As it is set out in the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention 1982, every foreign ship passes the ASLs is using the …

Analysis of Household Debt Inequality in Thailand
Inequality has been usually mentioned in term of income inequality to elevate people’s well-being. This research examined another dimension of inequality, which is debt inequality. Among people who have the same level of income, some of them have high debt while some people have not. Therefore, we should not neglect this aspect because indebtedness makes …

Recent Computer Applications in Marketing
Especially in recent years, marketing efforts of businesses have gained more importance along with the intense competition. Creating value to the target market and facilitating the life of consumers have become the primary goals of the firms. There is no doubt that offering simplicity to the consumers will affect the success of businesses in competitive …

Grammar Teaching Approaches for Adult EFL Learners: An Indonesian Perspective
Grammar teaching pedagogy has been rigorously reconceptualised as a result of perpetual shift from one teaching method to another. A number of dimensions dichotomizing grammar teaching approach appears in response to the disparate degrees of grammar positioning in second or foreign language teaching. This paper attempts to rationalize that grammar teaching for adult learners in …

Can You Do Hip-Hop in Yogyakarta? Global-Local Nexus in Javanese Hip-Hop
The emerge of the internet and the development of transportation technology has enabled massive products, people, and ideas to travel beyond borders and nations. It also fosters and intensifies the interaction between global and local culture. This essay attempts to examine of the global-local nexus in globalisation by conducting a case study. It focuses on …

Factors Affecting Stress among Faculty Members of Public Universities in the Philippines: A Multiple Regression Analysis
This study focuses on particular demographic and education-related factors that contribute to the stress levels of public university faculty members in the Philippines. Participants in this study were part-time or full-time faculty members in a public university in the Philippines and were teaching at least a class for the First Semester of Academic Year 2016-2017. …

Prevention and Eradication of Corruption through Optimization of Legal Research in College
Current world progress has brought sophisticated influence in the development of the level of corruption crimes. Today, law enforcement corruption eradication is highly anticipated for the direction of change that much better. The role of the College and in creating the next generation of the nation has a very big role for such changes. In …

Can Elective Course Be Used to Promote Meaningful Learning at Secondary Level? A Study of Students’ Satisfaction in School-Based Course
The evolution of the traditional disciplinary curriculum was implemented by the education policy in Taiwan school curricula, at secondary level to create knowledge and understanding for the 21st century. This study was the first stage of the three-year research project supported by National Science Council of Taiwan, investigating the effectiveness of school-based elective courses in …

The Environment Encouraging “Something to Do”, Being Lively, In Juvenile Correctional Facilities, Case Study: Juvenile Vocational Training Center, Thailand
Young generation is always important for the future. With the limited of experience and maturity, they occasionally make a mistake. In the developing country as Thailand, number of teenagers in juvenile correctional facilities is a serious problem. This qualitative study was conducted to understand the life in Juvenile Vocational Training Centers (JVTC) in Thailand and …

The Characteristics of Environment Encouraging Elder-Teenager Cooperation in Rural Community
Nowadays, Local wisdom plays an important role in community development. One month of participant observation at Na-Ngoi – Phonplaloh, the rural communities, 650 km from Bangkok, Thailand, it showed that elders were full of passions to contribute craft wisdom to teenagers. Nevertheless, teenagers were not eager to learn. Crafting everyday-products in semi-outdoor space around houses …

Financial of Public Enterprise Subsidiary in Corruption in Indonesia
Indonesia restructures State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the form of a holding company through Government Regulation Number 44 of 2005 in conjunction with Government Regulation Number 72 of 2016 on the Procedures of Participation and Administration of state capital in State-Owned Enterprises and Limited Liability Companies. This caused controversy. It is stipulated that the Subsidiaries of …

Conceptions of Learning English with Synchronous Online Tutoring: A Case Study in Taiwan
With the advent of information and communication technologies (ICT), an increasing number of educational institutions are incorporating Internet tools in their teaching programs. In Taiwan, for example, private tutoring is now being transformed from face-to-face mode into distance mode. The purpose of this study was to explore 75 college students’ (around 20 years old) conceptions …