Category: ACE2016

Improving Student Learning by Growing a Teaching and Learning Culture in an Engineering School
The problem addressed in this presentation is that lecturers in schools of professional education such as engineering schools are typically disciplinary experts first, researchers second, and teachers third; they typically have limited knowledge about good educational practice unless the school provides measures to develop such knowledge and practice. To address this problem in a School …

Assessment of the Youth Information Technology Education Program in Community Services
The Youth Information Technology Education (YITE) is a community based program of ICTED Institute of Science and Technology in Lipa City, Batangas. The program objective is geared for the acquisition of basic knowledge, attitudes, values and skills that will serve to youth and adult as powerful tool in combating illiteracy in information technology education which …

Infographics: Effects in Student Coding Skills and Conceptual Understanding in Biology
This study determines the effect of Infographics on the student coding skills and conceptual understanding in Biology. Furthermore, the relationship between coding skills and conceptual understanding was tested/identified. The improvement in coding (visual literacy) through a Coding Skills Test was found to have an effect in the improvement of students’ performance in Biology. 62 Grade …

Why Can’t Mine Be International?: An Exploration of the Challenges, Strengths and Opportunities of Internationalisation in the Public Universities of Ghana
similar to what is happening globally, internationalisation has become a key concept driving policies and practices in many public universities in Ghana. However, internationalisation as a concept, is bedevilled with many challenges, which impact negatively especially on ex-colonial countries. This paper explores the challenges, strengths and opportunities of internationalisation in the public universities in Ghana. …

Revisit the Hospitality Law Curriculum
This exploratory study examines the effectiveness of the hospitality law subject to students, the legal issues students have encountered at workplaces, and the practicality of the subject contents. Survey results show that 63% of respondents agreed that the law subject is the most important subject. Moreover, 68% believed that the law subject should be compulsory. …

Applying Wearable Technology in English Learning and Evaluating Learning Performance
Wearable technology is predicted as the next big shift in technology and innovation. The applications of wearable technology in teaching and learning are expected to accelerate learning performance in the education context. For example, language learning or musical instrument playing requires a lot of hours practice to create the ability and accumulate skills. Whether wearable …

Factor Structure of Research Attitude among Graduate Students in Education
Dropping survivability and rising drop-out rates in the graduate school is attributed to the demands that come along with research-related requirements. Graduate students tend to withdraw from their studies when confronted with such requirements. This act of succumbing to the challenge is primarily due to a negative mindset. An understanding of students’ views towards research …

If You Write Back, Do It in English
During the entire European colonial era, the colonisers were able to impose their language/s to the subalterns due to political, economic and social superiority of the Centre/s over their colonial Peripheries. Moreover, in certain aspects, the Centres have managed to maintain that dominant position in some of the former colonies even after they gained independence, …

Development of the Ability in Creative Problem Solving of Early Childhood Education Major Students by Using Group Process Activities
In order to produce quality early childhood education teachers, one of the important skills is problem solving ability. In addition creative problem solving ability helps students to understand and adapt to the rapidly changing society better. The aim of this research was to study and compare development of creative problem solving ability of early childhood …

Achieving the Goal of Universalization of Education: A Situational Analysis of Chhattisgarh State, India
Chhattisgarh is one of the developing Indian states that is yet to taste the fruits of development like other states of the country. The State’s Human Development Index is 0.430, the lowest of all states and literacy rate is 71.04%, which is below the national average of 74.04%. Under the flagship program of Sarva Shiksha …

Examining Effects of Two Computer Programming Learning Strategies: Self-Explanation Versus Reading Questions and Answers
The current study explored the differential effects of two learning strategies, self-explanation and reading questions and answers, on learning the computer programming language JavaScript. Students’ test performance and perceptions of effectiveness toward the two strategies were examined. An online interactive tutorial instruction implementing worked-examples and multimedia learning principles was developed for this study. Participants were …

A Study on the Effectiveness of the Education Development Fund as a Post-Colonial Strategy to Control Non-Tertiary Education in Macao SAR
As a former colony of Portugal, Macao has experienced slack control on education, which resulted in the diversity in it today. After its return to Chinese sovereignty in 1999, educational legislations and subsidies have been gradually introduced to schools in an attempt to subject the system to a more public and centralized form of control. …

An Italian Case: Students with a Foreign Background in IVET and the Access to Italian as Second Language
The article is based on a study carried out by the administration of nearly 3600 questionnaires on a sample equally distributed among Italian students and pupils with foreign origins in IVET in six Italian regions. The text examines the survey data related to the ownership and use of the Italian language and of different dialects …

Guidelines for Enhancing Education Quality of Film and Digital Media for Private Universities
This study aims at seeking guidelines on enhancing the quality of Film and Digital Media curriculums offered by universities in Thailand. By conducting an in-depth interview with 16 key experts in the film and digital media industry such as a film production company, post production company, equipment rental company, producer, director, screenwriter, cinematographer and editor, …

Japanese EFL Learners’ Experiences with Written Corrective Feedback
The debate regarding the efficacy of WCF (Written Corrective Feedback) spans two decades. Much of the research to date has utilized quantitative methods to investigate students’ written output, which all too often neglected learners’ experiences and learner diversity. In contrast, this research employs a qualitative approach in an interpretive paradigm to explore the experiences of …

What Students Want: A Study of Desirable Teacher Characteristics as Perceived by Their Students
The purpose of this research was to investigate student preferences and characteristics exhibited by their lecturers. A comparison of these opinions was also conducted based on students’ sex, age and academic achievement. The results of this study will provide a guide for universities to assist lecturers to improve the quality of their teaching. A sample …

The Design of an Ecosystem-Education Board Game Integrating Role-Play and Peer-Learning Mechanism and Its Evaluation of Learning Effectiveness and Flow
The teaching activities in ecosystem-education are now more interactive in addition to the traditional classroom lectures, films, or field trips. In particular, game-based learning helps learners’ motivation and the opportunities for peer learning. Board games that do not need electricity and focus on players’ interactions are now widely used in many teaching practices. Based on …

High Scope Project Evaluationthe Impact of Congruency Between Preferred and Actual Learning Environments on Tenth Graders’ Science Literacy
This study explored how the congruency between preferred and actual learning environment (PLE & ALE) impacted on students’ scientific literacy in the innovative Sci-Tech Mind and Humane Heart (STMHH) curricula as part of the High Scope Project sponsored by the National Science Council of Taiwan. A pre-/post-treatment experiment was conducted with 34 tenth graders. We …

On the Threshold: The Story of School Security Guards in Israel
We often talk about the ways education should change society. However, we should also be sensitive to the ways by which social reality – sometimes harsh and unjust – influence education, and the intricate interplay between these two spheres. Under the conditions of neoliberalism, in Israel, as in many other countries, the practices of outsourcing …

Learning Critical Incidents and Socio-Cultural Differences: An Interactive Tool of Reorienting Students in a Multicultural Classroom
This conceptual paper attempted to describe the significance of developing awareness and knowing socio-cultural differences and critical incidents in social educational participation experiences. Observe the nature of each country; diet, customs, the age of the patient; speech; manners; fashion; even his silence…One has to study all these signs and analyze what they portend (Hippocrates, 5th …

Lecturers’ Competencies in Higher Education in Indonesia to Support the Quality of Graduates
The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of lecturers’ competencies based on the Indonesian Higher Education Policies. Many studies have shown that lecturer’s competencies are significant to prepare the quality of graduates entering the workplace. Lack of lecturers’ competencies will affect the quality of graduates to enter the workplace. As a result, …

Educational Policy and Management in the Equitable Allocation of School Resources: Budgetary Priorities and Funding in an American High School
The building of a budget for an educational institution requires careful consideration of budgetary priorities and of the rationale behind the priorities. School leaders also need to define in adequate detail a realistic and effective funding formula to generate revenues for an educational institution (Antolovic, 2001). The funding formula employed by the Apollo High School …

The Effect of Board Game Teaching with the Marine Science Educational Course on Students’ Learning Motivation, Interest, and Achievement in Junior High School
Board games are innovative educational tools that may advance learning motivation, interest and enhance learning achievement. And the board-game teaching often offers a variation in the students, comparing with traditional teaching.This study developed a Marine Science Educational Course for Junior high School Students and designed a board game combining the path of currents in the …

L2 Learners’ Awareness through a Joint Student Exchange Program
L2 learners generally expect that participating in an exchange program will help to develop their target language through various social interactions with local people. Collaborative activities in a program can enhance learners of opportunities for examining their target language, and for understanding culture, history, life style and so forth. In this study, 15 Japanese college …

The Influence of Using Movement-Based Game Integrating Guided-Discovery Teaching Model in Safety Education
According to Ministry of Health and Welfare, accident has led death, especially for young adults and children. The iBaby Website analyzed children’s accidents and discovered that home, traffic and water are first three places that occurred accidental events and cause children’s death. Although daily safety is scheduled in students’ formal program, the class time is …

Oxbridge and the Nurturing of an ‘Urban Gentry’ – The Reform of Oxbridge and Cambridge in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
By the mid nineteenth century, Oxford and Cambridge began to adjust to the demands of educating the future elite of a more fully industrialised nation. Through a series of reforms, Oxford or Cambridge became a more desirable and accessible destination to an expanding middle class. An Oxbridge education became a seal of gentlemanly status in …

Challenges of Language Education in Post-Colonial Contexts
A problem that persists in post-colonial contexts is the perception that the standard form of languages should prevail on regional dialects and creoles. In many countries (Haiti, Belize, etc.), a creole is spoken at home, while only the standard form of the language is used in the education system. Students face negative attitudes of teachers …

School Bullying: Its Influences on the Academic Performance of the Basic Education Students
Bullying has already been a pervasive problem across Asia. It has been noticed as a school nuisance causing harm to students that could potentially affect their physical and psychological conditions. Most of its victims are powerless and taciturn. As observed, students who are bullied cannot concentrate well in the class. The grades may be a …

The Relationship Between Study Habits, Attitudes, and Teaching Behavior and Achievement in Learning of Bachelor Level Students of RMUTL
The research entitled the relationship between Study habits, attitudes, and teaching behavior and achievement in learning of bachelor level students of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna aimed to 1) to study habits, attitudes, and teaching behavior and achievement in learning of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna and 2) to study the relationship between Study habits, …

The Relationships between Learning Experiences, Psychological Capital, and Student Engagement in Taiwan College Freshmen
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between learning experiences, psychological capital, and student engagement. This study adopts the database management system about learning process and performance. Participants of effective sample were 996 college students from college in Taiwan. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and multiple regression. And …

A Study of Effects on Cognitive Load and Learning Achievement with Different Spatial Ability After Using Synchronized Multi-Display
For science learning, learners learn the specific scientific concepts one at a time. However, in real situations, a scientific concept usually involves abstraction, which made learner have misconceptions. In recent years, Augmented Reality has been applied to science teaching and has been considered to be an effective approach for interactive e-learning. However, as stated by …

Disability and Employment an Overview on the Role of Education and Educators
People with disabilities shall face many socio-economic constraints in their everyday life, starting at kindergarten and primary schools, and ending by finding a decent job and being adjusted to corporate culture. The key to the problem might be education in an integrated way, which allows people with disabilities to use and strengthen their abilities.It works …

Entrepreneurship Education Questions and Good Practices in Hungary and Central and Eastern European Countries
Entrepreneurship is a key driver of economy as the majority of jobs and produced goods are created by small and medium enterprises all over the world. This process highlights the need and importance of entrepreneurship education. Being an entrepreneur could be motivated by different issues: freedom, higher self-esteem and a greater sense of control over …

Leadership and Civic Engagement of Myanmar Refugee Students in the United States: Experiences, Influences and Aspirations
The refugee youth’s involvement in civic engagement and leadership means an access to other opportunities in life, such as social recognition, psychosocial well-being, rewarding relationships and connections, exposure to professional employment, and ability to advocate for oneself and for his/her community (Flanagan and Levine, 2010; Flanagan and Bundick, 2011). Likewise, student civic engagement brings significant …

Project-Based Approach by Using the Song-Lyric Method in Teaching English Writing for Students of Music Department
This study discusses the problems that arise in increasing the ability of English writing skill of students at the Department of Music, Indonesia Institute of the Arts of Yogyakarta. Project-based approach that becomes a part of English for Specific Purposes is one of the alternative proposed approaches to be applied to art students where English …

A Gentleman’s Education – The Birth of the Public School Ideal in Mid-nineteenth Century England
Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby School from 1828-1842, is usually seen as the one man who created the English modern public school. Yet the public school movement in the mid-nineteenth century was more a response to the demands of a particular section of a rapidly changing society. Arnold and his disciples first voiced and then …

Building People’s Awareness on Using the Outdoor Advertising for Tourism Promotion Case Study: Tourism-Content Billboards in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Currently, the out-of-home (outdoor) advertising is still used as a media campaign that gives many advantages for advertisers because of its benefits. The use of out-of-home advertising can be maximized on its use for the potential promotion of tourism in Yogyakarta, which is famous as the city of culture. The purpose of this study was …

Implementing Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education in an Area of Armed Conflict in Southern Philippines: A Case Study
With Philippine schools adopting the use of mother tongue as the medium of instruction from Kindergarten to Grade 3, this case study looked into how the Mother Tongue Based- Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) programme was implemented in an area of armed conflict. The study answered the following questions: 1) How is MTB-MLE implemented in an area …

Melodious Sound of Saw Sam Sai
Saw sam-sai (Three strings-fiddle), a traditional instrument of Thailand, has an extraordinary appearance as well as a remarkable sound. Its construction process requires distinctive materials and a thorough method of craftsmanship. Saw sam-sai has its role in the royal court, serving in the royal ceremonies since the ancient times. Later, its role has expanded to …

Applying Gamification in Vocational and Professional and Education and Training (VPET) Classroom to Engage Students’ Learning
This paper aims to discuss the possibility of applying gamification in various classrooms in vocational education. The application of gamification in education has been explored in recent years. A number of research suggesting that incorporating game elements and game dynamics can enhance students’ engagement and motivation by changing their role from being taught to active …

Classroom Climate: Implications to Students” Academic Achievements
This descriptive-correlational study determined the relationship between classroom climate and student’s academic achievement measured in terms of their general average grade in all general education subjects. Purposively sampled, 500 students from the different programs enrolled during the Academic Year 2014 – 2015 in Lourdes College participated in the study. My Class Inventory (MCI) questionnaire by …

Student Assistantship Program: Advocating Inclusive Growth Through Education
There has been much discussion about the need to ensure that growth translates into broad-based improvements in living standards that touch all citizens rather than a fortunate few. Yet there is little practical guidance about how countries can achieve both growth and equity (World Economic Forum 2015).There are various ways of assisting families improve their …

Practices for Public Relations Effectiveness in Education and Social Justice Within and Across Borders
Public Relations (PR) effectiveness depends on planning. Good planning is the best way to practice preventive rather than remedial PR. Tactical and strategic plans help Public Relations coordinate its efforts with those of other areas of the organization. (Baskin, et all, 1997, p.129). This study focus on practices of PR in FISIP UB for education …

Minding the Gap: Confronting the Standardized Testing Mindset in Higher Education
Teaching to the test has become standard practice in Japan. The uniformity of instruction this approach requires, as well as the apparent fairness of everyone being judged by the same standard, fits well within the parameters of conformity and equality that are hallmarks of Japanese society. Learners raised on this system become very comfortable with …

The Relationship Between Teacher Efficacy and Attitude Toward Inclusive Education in Public Inclusive Elementary School
This research is conducted to find about the relationship between teacher efficacy and dimensions of teacher efficacy with attitude toward inclusive education in public inclusive elementary school. The instruments of this study were Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (to measure teacher efficacy) and Multidimensional Atitude toward Inclusive Education Scale (MATIES) (to measure attitude teacher toward …

School Engagement: It’s Influence on the Academic Performance of College Students
Academic success is influenced by many factors, one of which is student engagement that this study explored in relation to the academic performance of 2nd year college students of Lourdes College. Specifically, the study determined the students’ level of affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement using a standardized assessment tool; their level of academic performance measured …