People with disabilities shall face many socio-economic constraints in their everyday life, starting at kindergarten and primary schools, and ending by finding a decent job and being adjusted to corporate culture. The key to the problem might be education in an integrated way, which allows people with disabilities to use and strengthen their abilities.It works in theory, but pupils, students, families and educators will face several problems in the course of this process.The authors, based on literature review and own researches aim to gain insights into different models of disability and government policies to benefit disabled people in Hungary and India. The paper focuses on two approaches to address and identify disability: medical model, which identifies disability within individuals, and social model, which represents the social phenomenon related to disability.Employment questions regarding people with disabilities may raise several problems: how to reach higher educational levels without equal opporutónities? How to teach educators to be able to educate people with diasbilities?Our research and survey focuses on the present conditions at different levels of education in Hungary and India, with a special focus on higher education.
Author Information
Anna Dunay, Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Ambuj Sharma, Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Csaba Balint Illes, Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2016
Stream: Special Education, Learning Difficulties, Disability
This paper is part of the ACE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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