Guidelines for Enhancing Education Quality of Film and Digital Media for Private Universities


This study aims at seeking guidelines on enhancing the quality of Film and Digital Media curriculums offered by universities in Thailand. By conducting an in-depth interview with 16 key experts in the film and digital media industry such as a film production company, post production company, equipment rental company, producer, director, screenwriter, cinematographer and editor, this research has found that Thai higher education needs to set a clear goal and direction in film development: if the curriculum is designed for commercial-based development or film industrial-based development. This should start from the process of selection, incubation, curriculum design, extracurricular activities, including the integration of new technologies in the curriculum and the development of learners’ language skills.

Author Information
Paninya Paksa, Bangkok University, Thailand

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2016
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the ACE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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