This conceptual paper attempted to describe the significance of developing awareness and knowing socio-cultural differences and critical incidents in social educational participation experiences. Observe the nature of each country; diet, customs, the age of the patient; speech; manners; fashion; even his silence…One has to study all these signs and analyze what they portend (Hippocrates, 5th century BCE).It further aimed to (1) identify which culture is more dominant in a small- multicultural school, (2) demonstrate the types of cultural traits that affect intercultural communication of students, and (3) describe the common differences wherein critical incidents of communication can be present to improve one’s understanding of these differences.The study subscribed to Cultural Criticality Approach, Pike’s (1954) Emic and Etic Approach, Dynamic Process Approach and Kolb’s (1984) Experiential Learning Theory, the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience.
Author Information
Jim Duran, Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College, The Philippines
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2016
Stream: Education for intercultural communication
This paper is part of the ACE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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