- Creating Opportunities for Change: Non-Cognitive Skills Instruction in the Classroom
- Cross Cultural Representation in Pakistani’s EFL Textbooks
- Cross-Temporal Icons: Amazonian Globality
- CSR Activities and Employee Perceptions in Family-Run Businesses in Eastern Thailand
- Cultivating Global Citizenship Identity and Engagement in Higher Education
- Cultivating Honesty: Salary and Corruption in the Yuan Through the Eyes of Officials and Scholars
- Cultural Export of Japan: A Case Study of Japanese Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Cultural Knowledge Pedagogy for Higher Education
- Cultural-Fit Management: Sustainable Success Factor of Thailand Public University
- Customer Orientation Ensure Organization’s Flexible Response to Keep Sustainability
- De-Westernising Travel Journalism: Consumerism Meets Postcolonialism
- Dealing with Unexpected Experiences: Transformative Learning of Japanese Pre-Service Teachers During the Teaching Practicum
- Depth of Teachers’ Subject Content and Pedagogical Knowledge as Predictors of Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Kwara State, Nigeria
- Depth Perception and Visual Manipulation of Japanese Gardens
- Design a Pilot Program Based on the Storyboard to Teach an Iraqi Displaced Children: Experimental Study
- Designing the Interior of a Nursing Home for the Elders of Mauritius
- Developing an Economic Analysis Application for Solar Rooftop Electricity Generating in Thai Residential
- Developing an Instrument for Self-Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Competencies: A Review of Faculty Professional Development and the Changing Higher Education Landscape in Singapore
- Developing Global Leadership Skills with Model United Nations (MUN)
- Developing Intercultural Awareness in Primary Teacher Training through International Placements: Some Early Reflections on the Spiral Experiment
- Developing Speaking Proficiency Using Task-Based Approach Through a Role-Play to Junior High School Students in Indonesia
- Development of a Dual Axis Sun Tracking System with Astronomical Equation Program on Arduino Via GPS Module
- Development of an Online Platform for Understanding Students’ Weaknesses
- Development of Physical Blocks with Communication Device for Visual Programming Study
- Development of Positive Youth Development Indicators in the Context of Thai Adolescents
- Different Histories, Different Narratives: ICT Uses as “Habitus”?
- Documentary As Autoethnography: A Case Study Based on the Changing Surnames of Women
- Documentary Storytelling: Methods and Styles
- Does the Economic Crisis Affect Greek Adolescents’ Academic Performance? An EST Approach
- E-Kankor: Opening New Vistas of Higher Education Through an Innovative Intelligent Tutoring System
- E-Learning Implementation: Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education Institutions in Rural Settings in South Africa: A Case Study
- East Meets West: A Glimpse of the Globalization and Internationalization of Innovation and Discovery
- Eastern Broadcasting Code for Western Content
- Eco-Innovations: Kick-Starting the Circular Economy
- Ecofeminist Ethics for Sustainable Urban Public Space
- Economic Performance of Portuguese Regional Health Administrations Following the European External Bailout: Trends After Austerity
- Educating for Capacity Building: A Case Study of Timor-Leste Officials Studying on an English Language Training Programme in New Zealand
- Education for urban refugee children in Malaysia: Pathway to Peace
- Education of Teachers of Inclusive Pre-Schools in the Czech Republic
- Educational Policy Theory and Practice: Designing Comprehensive Frameworks for Evaluating and Managing Changing Educational Environments
- Effect of Aloe Vera Gel on Quality and Shelf Life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Fruits cv. Nam Dok Mai and Technology Dissemination
- Effect of Psychological and Social Factors on Active Aging among Middle Adulthood in Bangkok
- Effect of Self-Paced Online Modules As Support for Instruction on Student Outcomes of Grade 10 Miriam College High School Students
- Effectiveness of the Use an Animation Programs to Development Architectural Skills of Students for Design; The Architectural Departments – Faculty
- Effects of Aerobic Dance with 9 Square on the Cardiovascular Endurance System and Percentage of Body Fat
- Effects of CSR Performance and Disclosure on Institutional Ownership
- Effects of Games for Enhancing Executive Function Program on Early Academic Achievement in Preschoolers: Mediating Role of Executive Function Skills
- Effects of social context on foreign language anxiety among university English learners in Hong Kong
- Effects of Social Studies Instruction Using Case Study Method on Democracy Concepts and Critical Thinking Abilities of Secondary School Students
- Electrochemical Treatment of Oily Wastewater Using Three Dimensional Steel Wire Electrodes