Customer Orientation Ensure Organization’s Flexible Response to Keep Sustainability


Global competition forced education organizations to rethink about providing better service to their customers. Many firms and public sectors have adopted Business process reengineering (referred BPR) to enhance their competitiveness, but not all of them succeeded. We interviewed four state university administrative departments (two in the United States and two in the U.K.) that had gone through successful reengineering programs, and derived some principles together with a strategic framework to account for the consistency of their administrative strategies and business processes. Compared with private sectors, public sectors are hesitated to change mostly because of their staffs’ resistance towards change. Previous researches have indicated that: staffs’ customer-orientated mindset could help to transfer organization’s climate which is taken as an important factor for customer satisfaction and organizational sustainability. In public organization, applying information technology (referred IT) to BPR not only improved the operation efficiency and reduced cost, but also helped for cross-unit integration and communication and could reduce staffs’ resistance. Based on the four individual case studies, we proposed: Under customer-orientation perspective, BPR together with the help of IT and flexible functional organization structure could be implemented in universities operations successfully. Customer-orientated mindset could motivate staffs to stand from customers’ position and with the help of IT, the communication between the university staffs and customers could be faster and more efficiently. Besides, flexible organization structure facilitate organization’s coordination. However, how to direct staffs’ mindset towards customer-oriented is another important issue in our future research.

Author Information
Ya Fen Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Hsi An Shih, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2017
Stream: Education for sustainable development

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