Tag: Media

Writing the History of Humanimals: Illustrated with the Poetics of Documentaries
Animals play a starring role in human history; their presence is ever so ubiquitous that it would be remiss of – and is impossible for – historians to brush animals completely aside should they write about humans. This study concerns itself with writing the history of human-animal relations, pointing out that the fact of animals …

Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Brand Engagement: A Study on Malaysian Youth
A growing area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) research is the CSR-consumer relationship. Today, organizations across all industries are facing increasing pressure to both sustain profitability and act in socially responsible manner. Consumers are becoming more demanding and appear concerned about patronizing brands engaged in CSR. Yet, not many researchers have looked into how consumers …

Documentary Storytelling: Methods and Styles
This article explores the significance of storytelling and seeks to choose modes of filmmaking to transmit “reality” or to tell a “true” story. However, the storyteller’s intention, perspective, values, and aesthetic style are integral parts of the story. Therefore, documentary storytelling does not refer only, or even primarily, to films that are narrated. Methods and …

The Pain as Ikigai in the Filmography of Hirokazu Koreeda
Hirokazu Koreeda is a Japanese film director and screenwriter who became famous, in the last decade, both in Japan and in the West. His filmography has a special quality related to the Japanese concept of ikigai. It is not easy to translate ikigai. It seems to be a feeling related to the “reason to live”. …

The Effects of Product Placement in Malaysian Movies and Its Influence on Consumer Behavior
Product placement has been widely used through the international film industry, but has seldomly been used in Malaysian films. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of product placement in Malaysian movies as a catalyst for product purchasing behavior. The methods used for this study is textual and content analysis to study …

The Communication Approach for Conservation Palm Leaves Text of Sungmen Temple, Thailand by Buddhism Dharma
The purpose of this article is to explain the Communication approach for conservation palm leaves texts of Sungmen Temple, Thailand by Buddhism dharma. The methodology for this study including opinion leader in-depth interview such as a monk and a local Wisdom, Participant and Non- participant Observation and related literature reviews. It was found that in …

A Historical Review of Media Coverage on the Southernmost Unrest of Thailand
In a general manner, journalists rely upon conflict as a conventional method of framing news reporting. Be faced with the pressure of strained resources and their perception that media audiences prefer this reportorial style, journalists resort to conflict-based reporting. The approach often exacerbates the conflict by the very nature of the reportage. Using an unrest …

Comparing Robot Embodiments for Social Human-Robot Interaction of a Health Coach Service
As robotics technologies are advancing at an ever increasing rate, various types of service robots have emerged in the market and focused on assisting people through social interaction. This study aims to investigate the effects of robotic platforms on users’ perception of a socially assistive robot. A three-condition experiment was constructed, by using a commercially …

Seeking for New Values: Failure and Crisis of Models in Tsukamoto’s and Kurosawa’s Tokyo Films
The postwar Japan was subject to deep identity mutations as a result from the defeat and the social reforms often dictated by the American occupant. Only in 1951, after the end of the occupation the postwar “Japanese miracle” of the 1950s and the 1960s emphasized by new economic prosperity and international reputation. And yet, starting …

The Otaku Culture in Brazil: The Brazilian Manga, The Impact in Medias and the Cultural Miscegenation Processes
The theme of the presentation is the Japanese pop culture in Brazil. The goal is to analyze the Brazilian manga, the cultural miscegenation process among Brazilian creators and the constitution of the otaku communities. In the translation of the otaku culture and its media products to Brazil, to the example of what always happened in …

The Ghostly Double: The Crisis of (Gendered) Subjectivity and Self in Asato Mari’s “Bairokeshon”
From Alfred Hitchcock’s “Vertigo” to Darren Aronofsky’s “Black Swan,” the double or doppelg√§nger motif remains prevalent in psychological horror films. The idea of a divided/ duplicated self involves the disassociation of one’s identity that often results in the creation of an uncontrollable evil ‘other’. Moreover, the double is deeply connected to the Freudian concept of …

Justice- Adrift in the Filmosphere
The world of cinema treats ‘justice’ in a nuanced way. If the film depicts conflict zones, justice sometimes becomes the kernel of the chronicle. Lemon Tree (2008) and J√Æn (2013) ‘ from Israel and Turkey are two of the films which convey post-positivist connotations of justice. Lemon Tree is an Israeli film directed by Eran …

A Communication Requirements Research of Children with Severe Cerebral Palsy
This study looks into the communication needs of a young cerebral palsy (CP) patient with severe physical disability and speech impairment. This individual case study involves interviews with the caretaker, observation of the patient’s living habits, and development of customized assistive technology. A vocabulary database of the patient is made for the development of an …

Whose Voice? Love Legend of Phra Khanong: A Case of “Mak, Nak and People of Phra Khanong”
The love legend of Mae Nak Phra Khanong was perceived and portrayed as a haunting, revenge and furious ghost story for almost a century. In 1999, Nonzee Nimibutr’s version of Nang Nak was the first version that humanized Mae Nak and depicted tragic aspect of her as a mournful young lady who devoted her life …

Heroes Looking for Their Own Justice as a Cultural Reflection in the New Turkish Cinema
The concept of justice is one of the most sought concepts since the existence of the human beings. According to Aristotle who was one of the first age philosophers approaching the concept more philosophically, the starting point of justice was formed by the concept of equality. According to him for justice it was not enough …

Jesus in Films: Audience Reception from a Promotional Film Poster
Art has seven categories, starts from literature, music, dance, writing, sculpture, theater, and film. One of the art categories has been debated into art with the consideration of the attraction of the film casting, the narration, the sound system to the social circumstances and the political background that affected the production of the film.In 1916, …

Personal Branding of Jesus-Portrayed in The Movies 1987-2014: Applying Meaning Theory of Media Portrayal
A phenomenal figure throughout the centuries, a hero for Christians and the savior for believers ‘JESUS- is the name that is the center of this research. More than twenty movies since 1897 until 2014 ‘in fact the newest of Ewan McGregor’s has been featured on Sundance film festival 2015- have been portraying the life, the …

Jesus in Films: Representation, Misrepresentation and Denial of Jesus’Agony in (Apocryphal) Gospels
Since the discovery of cinematographe in 1895, Jesus has been presented for the silver screen. This representation correlates with the development of visual and sound recording. The development of technology made the representation of Jesus on cinema co-evolves into a discourse about His humanity and divinity, as in film The Gospel According to St. Matthew …

Classical, Biblical, and Shakespearean Intertextuality in Eugene O’Neill’s Desire Under the Elms
This paper will explore Classical, Biblical, and Shakespearean intertextuality in Desire under the Elms (1924), a tragedy by the American playwright Eugene O’Neill. The play is adapted from Classical plays or Greek mythology with reference to Oedipus, Phaedra, Medea, etc. It also alludes to the Bible through the names of its major characters and their …