Tag: Journalism,

The Power of Facebook Over the State-Controlled Journalism: Recapture the Position of Vietnamese Journalism
Within the frame of press classification theories developed from Siebert et al. in 1963 to Cain in 2014, this paper is important since it helps to navigate the current position of Vietnamese journalism in its transition from the Soviet Communist to the soft authoritarian style. The paper recognizes the challenges of the Facebook emerged public …

China Daily’s Western Type Framing of the Egyptian Arab Spring
Existing research has mainly focused on the role of the media in the uprisings against the regimes of the countries that were affected by the Arab Spring. However, we do not have a lot of information about the way of coverage that was conducted by well-known media organizations, especially for the online English news of …

Manufacturing Politicians: Angela Merkel’s Image in the Spanish Press During the German Federal Elections
Spanish public opinion shows, according to sociological surveys, a disaffection towards the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. From the influence of the media on current prevailing opinion in society, this article analyzes the opinion pieces published in the Spanish reference press: El País, El Mundo and La Vanguardia. The period surrounding the last three federal …

De-Westernising Travel Journalism: Consumerism Meets Postcolonialism
Scholars have long viewed travel writing and travel journalism from a postcolonial perspective, based on the history of ‘the West visiting the rest’. Today, however, travel and tourism is multi-directional, with increasing leisure travel among the rising powers of Asia. To counter this western-dominated perspective, this paper uses a grounded-theory approach to assess how travel …

Are Descriptive Writing Patterns Still Relevant in News Elections Reporting in Malaysia?
This paper discusses the journalist writing patterns from the perspective of a journalist in presenting information primarily in political issue. The discussion is divided according to the research questions arising from previous studies such as relevance of conventional news writing, use of the concept in interpretive writing and perspective on political news reporters. Some scholars …

Trends in Reference Newspapers in Chile: The Art of Balancing Positions Through the Framing of Political News Sources
The study analyzes whether the press, in the context of Chile’s concentrated media ownership, shows trends to a uniform framing of viewpoints in news about the actions of the government, political parties or civil society. A content analysis isolating positions of the sources and the own media regarding the framing of their quotes will permit …

Hindi Television News Media (HTVNM): An Inquiry About Domineering Studio Journalism
Hindi television news media is in a developing and growing stage. Although it might have been inspired or influenced from western TV media, but nowadays it has become an influential medium of mass communication among large Hindi speaking society of India. Studio Journalism is a prominent and critical characteristic of Hindi TV news media. Are …