Category: MediAsia FIlmAsia 2016
From the Nightmarish to a Dreamy State of Being: The Troubling Present in Thai Independent Cinema after the Coups D’État 2014
From ApichatpongWeerasethakul’s debut film, Mysterious Objects at Noon, to Blissfully Yours and on to Tropical Malady, the subjects, forms, and modes of visual presentation reflect the evolution of a unique style of filmmaking that deals intimately with themes such as desire and sexual ambiguity which are rarely explored in mainstream cinema. Weerasethakul paved the way …
From” Morning Sun” to” Though I Was Dead”: The Image of Song Binbin in the “August Fifth Incident”
This year is the fiftieth anniversary of the outbreak of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.On August 5, 1966, Bian Zhongyun, the deputy principal at the girls High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, was beaten to death by the students struggling against her. She was the first teacher killed in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution and …
Multi-Layered Structure of Documentary Narration and the Blurring Lines
“Reality” has always been on the focus within the documentary narration and in order to come closer to reality, search for the new techniques and forms has continued throughout the history of documentary cinema. Reality, within the framework of multi-layered structure of the documentary narration, consists of a reference to the documentary. So, documentaries should …
Origin, Transformation and Era Significance of the Traditional Photography Studio of Taiwan: A Documentary Study of the John Photography Studio
The first landscape photograph of Taiwan might be taken by Saint-Julien Edwards in 1865. In the early 1870s, Rev. Dr. George Leslie Mackay and missionaries used the technology of photography to capture many photos of Taiwan. After the Sino-Japanese war in 1895, Japan took control of Taiwan due to the Treaty of Shimonoseki, so Japanese …
The Construction of Justice in John Woo’s Films: Culturally Specific or Ethically Universal?
2016 marks the 30th anniversary of John Woo’s 1986 classic A Better Tomorrow, a gangster film which not only cemented the fame of the director himself, but also made profound impact on world cinema especially on the action/crime-thriller genre. In his more than three decades of film directing, Woo has constantly probed the depth of …
The Perspective of a Student Film: Using Experimental Techniques to Edit Frames in a Repeated Array
This article discusses a story of heartbreak, produced from the perspective of a student film, inspired by philosopher Barthes Rolands book A Lovers Discourse. Much like a prince choosing a favorite consort, or a jacket seeking its model, it takes same sex love and dialect, putting on the appearance of jealousy, soliloquy, yearning, and attachment …
The Study of Rotational Motion Perception on the Dynamical Sphere of the Surface Spiral Pattern from the Angle of Line
The research is based on the basic design and art to explore the characteristic of a dynamical sphere. And because previous studies only in the main form of the cylinder and the cone. Therefore, the purpose of this study is using a sphere as the main shape, to explore the best angle of line on …
Combining Interactive Technology with Perceptual Training to Design an Interactive Installation for Elderly
As they grow older, seniors face many problems of physical and mental degradation, and lead to difficulties in the elderly life. This research is to combine interactive technology with perceptual training to design an interactive installation for elderly. The proposed interactive installation is named “LOHAS-GO” that means all people will get better health when they …
Verbal-, Textual-, Image- Traditional and New Media- Based Methodologies Adopted for the Study of Social Representations: The Integrative Perspective of the “Modelling Paradigmatic Approach”
Introduction: The communicative process through interaction and media has been one of the genetic dimensions of the Social Representation theory (Moscovici, 1961/1976, 2000) and it remains its core element after more than 50 years of the literature development (de Rosa, 2011a, 2011b, 2013, 2015; Jodelet, 1989; Sammut, Andreouli, Gaskell & Valsiner, 2015). However the focus …
An Investigation of User Perception and Behavior for a Robotic Exercise Coach on Different Age Groups
As robot technology moves forwards, service type robot for home use has gradually entered people’s daily life. However, what is the acceptance and expectation from people for such innovative products and services? Will it be different among different family members of different ages? For this issue, through experimental design, to explore the difference in perception …
A pilot study of Mobile Media Engagement: The Effect of Context on Consumer Response to Advertising
The arrival of content rich media has changed the way that people consume news and interact with it. Smartphones features drive user value and satisfaction. These features can lead to further mobile user engagement. Nowadays, smartphone news apps are considered one of the main ways for accessing news, and they have higher level of engagement …
Are Descriptive Writing Patterns Still Relevant in News Elections Reporting in Malaysia?
This paper discusses the journalist writing patterns from the perspective of a journalist in presenting information primarily in political issue. The discussion is divided according to the research questions arising from previous studies such as relevance of conventional news writing, use of the concept in interpretive writing and perspective on political news reporters. Some scholars …
The Off-Screen Space and the Silent Fragments in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Films
This paper discusses two major films by the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, Ivan’s Childhood (1962) and Andrei Rublev (1966). Both films are set in the background of turbulent periods in Russia. The two main characters, Ivan and Rublev, however, are ordinary individuals rather than war heroes. Their most significant aspect is that in the chaotic …
The Party-State’s Policy on the Critical Press in China: From the State-Society Relation Perspective
The main purpose of this study is to reconsider the states role in promoting the media’s social expression which means the state has opened up a space for the Chinese press to pursue social expression and in turn reconstituted state-society relations in an authoritarian state such as China. China’s media has been regarded as the …
Thoughts of University Students About the Organizations That Undertake Environment Sponsorship
Sponsorship is one of the most important subjects in the public relations discipline. There are various sponsorship areas. One of these areas is environmental sponsorship. Organizations conduct environmental sponsorship activities to achieve several goals. This study aims to determine the thoughts of university students towards the organizations that undertake environmental sponsorship. Survey method was used …
Teenagers’ Media Use Pattern: Focusing the Usefulness and Consumption of News
The study emphasize changed behavior pattern of media on teenagers after arrival of smart media era. Focusing more on the issue that was not dealt heavily in the preceding research, teenagers. Especially, this study examined teenager’s news consumption pattern. The survey showed that social media like Facebook is the most used media among teenagers, …