Tag: Education and Social Welfare,

School Lunch Supply Process from the Perspective of Service Design: A Case Study of Elementary School Program in Taiwan
The school lunch program in Taiwan was developed in 1954. In recent years, related studies and reports demonstrate that the trend of Taiwanese student wasting their school lunch is climbing. Every year, the number of wasted lunch is as high as several thousand tons and the wasting up to 1.9 Billion NT in cost. Those …

A Framework for E-Health Promotion Plan: Health Behaviors of University Students and Their Interest in Campus Health Promotion Experiential Activities
The purpose of this study aimed to provide an assessment of the needs of health promotion in university students, based on body composition analysis reports, lifestyle variables and the interest in health promoting activates. The researcher design and development a new approach to guide health promotion practice which is an e-Health promoting plan to facilitate …

Analysis on Bataan Tourism Industry: Bases for Extension Activities of Faculty and Students of Bataan Peninsula State University
This paper entitles “Analysis on Bataan Tourism Industry: Bases for extension activities of selected faculty and students of Bataan Peninsula State University”, aimed to assess and evaluate the knowledge ability and level of appreciation of the selected barangay officials and residents equally distributed in the 11 towns and 1 city in Bataan, Philippines. Study used …

Educational Planning: Dropout of CWSN and SLD Children in India
India is striving for universal enrolment up to secondary level in schools. The planning documents reveal that Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) is more than 100 percent whereas Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) is less than 100 percent in elementary education. The paper analyses the data on disability in schools as reported under Unified District Information System …

The Access of Disabled Persons on the Romanian Labour Market: An Institutional Ethnography of the Role of Social Welfare
Using a qualitative approach based on an institutional ethnography of social organization of work inclusion for disabled persons, the current paper addresses the specific ways in which the individual experiences of the Romanian disabled persons, in society and on the labour market, are influenced and shaped by the social relations of textually mediated discourse. It …

Participation of Family in Promoting Quality of Life for Elderly
This research was aimed to study the involvement of the family in promoting the health of the elderly in Hua Sai Sub-district, Bang Khla District, Chachoengsao Province, Thailand. The study was done by the group process. Data were collected using questionnaires and observation of three activities from the participation, i.e., an adjustment in the principle …

Human Capital of Teachers and Education Personnel Affecting the Student with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Schools
The study of human capital of teachers and education personnel affecting the students with learning disabilities in elementary schools aimed to study the mental health level of personnel and the effect upon the knowledge, attitude, and performance of the students in elementary inclusive schools. The two-stage random sampling group included 300 teachers and education personnel …

Data Management of Standard Test and Assessment O-Net From Students Grades 6 And 9 During the Year 2010 And 2013
This study was aimed to analyze the differences of academic achievement and results of the 8 subjects’ test from the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) that took place during 2010 and 2013 of the students Grades 6 and 9 in Chachoengsao province, Thailand. The samples were taken from 81 schools under the Educational Service Area …

A Virtualization-Based Laboratory for Learners’ Hands-On Skills of Hacking
Information security continues to be a popular concern in current days, leading academics and practitioners to contributing lots of efforts in this field. Inspired by The Art of War, this study considers that engineering students would learn better if they have hands-on experience of both attack and defense skills in security education. In this regard, …