Tag: Digital Literacy,

Web 2.0 Tools in Teacher Training Programs in a Multilingual Setting: Searching, Selecting and Using Information
The aim of this submission is to present the findings of a research conducted in Catalonia,a multilingual region in the north of Spain, aimed to gather data about the use of web 2.0 tools in academic writing among future primary and pre-primary teachers. The research focuses on two main issues:a) the criteria on which their …

The Situation of Media Literacy of Physicians in Iran
Media literacy is a set of views that addressee use it actively when confronting to Medias messages to interpret and analyze the meaning of received massages. In this research situation of media literacy of physicians in Kerman, especially general physicians and also the relation between media literacy of physicians in Kerman, their personal features, the …

‘Digital Natives’ Require Basic Digital Literacy Skills
This paper discusses a Digital Academic Literacy (DAL) Programme at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). It highlights the Programme__s response to and alignment with emerging South African Higher Education (HE) national policy imperatives and discourses which include, the effective integration of ICTs for teaching-and-learning; and the need to increase and continue large-scale targeted …