Conference: IICEHawaii2019

The Impact of a Literacy Strategies Course Taught in a Public-School Setting on Teacher Candidates and Students with EBD

School-university partnerships have been among the most frequently recommended approaches to educational reform. From the university perspective, the goal of these partnerships is to bridge the disconnect between what teacher candidates are taught in on-campus courses and what they implement in P-12 settings with students. This study describes the impact of a literacy strategies course

Does English Work as the Universal Language? – Judging From the Current Trend of World Englishes

Japan has faced numbers of foreign national suspects, defendants and/or witnesses (criminals and civil cases) along with the globalization. Not only major-spoken language speakers such as English or Spanish but also minor-spoken language speaking suspects/defendants have increased in Japan. When the suspects, defendants and/or witnesses are those language speakers, it is quite difficult or impossible

A Study of Early Childhood Teachers’ STEM Pedagogical Strategies: Select, Adapt, Contextualize, and Integrate

Research indicates that early exposure and experience with STEM has positive impacts across the entire spectrum of learning (McClure et. al., 2017). Research in child development shows that rich learning experiences during sensitive periods have a lasting positive impact on young children’s future academic success. For instance, early math knowledge not only predict later success,

The Effect of Gamification Elements on Engagement and Achievement in Calculus 1 and 2

Gamification is increasingly being used in educational contexts to attempt to increase both student engagement and achievement. In this study, gamification elements were added to pilot course offerings of post-secondary Calculus 1 and Calculus 2. The online courses were offered in the overarching form of a pirate quest to retrieve sunken treasure. Gamification elements included

Community, Peace and Sustainability: Leveraging Institutional Positionality to Affect Local and System Change

In October 2018 the IPCC published a predictable, but no less grim, report on where ‘we’ are situated vis a vis climate change and what is yet to unfold. Despite over a hundred years of scientific concern from scientists on the human effects of industrialization and globalization we now face out of control wildfires, drought,

Secondary School Parents Feel in Community with Their Children’s Schools When…

Parents are recognized as key educational stakeholders contributing to positive student outcomes. For decades educational researchers have been pursuing the question, how do you increase parent involvement in schools? With this question, educators and policymakers are curators of parent involvement, resulting in practices that tend to be school-centric (Lawson, 2003). Parents are commonly emphasized as

New Literacy Practices: Imaginative Implications for 21st Century Literate Identities

The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore the intersection of new literacy practices and literate identities. The experiences of young adolescents were examined to better understand how these experiences and their perceptions impact the development of their literate identities in multiple contexts. As such, this study sought to explore the following research

Study Abroad Program: Case Study for Career Program

In this paper, I will introduce the educational overseas career program designed and executed by the author and validate the effectiveness for students. The program aims to cultivate general capabilities(cognitive, theoretical, social and cultural skills as well as broad knowledge and experience) through students’own proactive quest with active learning. The program entails discovery learning, problem-solving

Food Apartheid and the Curriculum That Saves It

Health is wealth! Unfortunately, everyone does not have access to healthy food. We are facing a new apartheid, and this one deals with food access. The lack of access to healthy foods puts individuals at risk for more severe health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, and sleep apnea all

The Impact of Culture on the Usage of SNS for English-Language Learning in Japan

Like many technologically proficient and wealthy countries, the usage of social-networking sites (SNS) is becoming increasingly popular in Japan. This is especially true among young people who use these services not only for communication but also entertainment through the numerous features they provide like photo editing and adding character figures to video. While Japanese people

Tough Situation of Teachers in Information Technology in Japanese Junior and Senior High Schools

Japan played a major economic growth after the World War II, which could be realized with high industrial skill because of engineering education such as mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. However, in recent years, everyone agrees that the importance of information technology is rapidly increasing, while the industrial technology is also inevitable. Currently in Japan,

Survival vs Traditions: How Georgia Fights Against Economical Crisis – the Economical Issues of the 21st Century Family

Georgia is identified for its national historical culture where gender balance was always playing a significant role in formation of the entire society. This paper presents findings how Georgian nation makes choices in the way and process of survival of its soul within our global community through immigration and how a female part undertook the

Research as Assessment for Learning vs Assessment of Learning at Higher Education

At higher education, students are terminally assessed through a research output that demonstrates their originality, creativity, innovativeness, and contribution to knowledge and problem solving in society. However, the assessment process, unlike the traditional pencil-and-paper and other performance assessments which are thoroughly proctored by the examiner, is one that is loosely structured. Depending on whether the

Chinese Immigrant and European American Parents’ Emotional Expressions in Childrearing Activities: Cultural Norms of Emotions

Both European Americans and Chinese immigrants value emotional expressions that are true to inner feelings, and adhere to social norms dictating appropriate expressions for different situations. However, the two groups differ in how they coordinate the values of being faithful to inner feelings and to social norms. The European American culture values an individual’s genuine

Comparing Vocabulary Profiles of Asian L2 Written English in the ICNALE Corpus

This brief study examines the vocabulary profiles of Asian EFL students’ written English in the International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English (ICNALE; Ishikawa). The ICNALE corpus is a collection of written and spoken texts from 2800 learners of English across 10 different Asian countries. The texts included in this corpus were composed under

Mathematics and Racial Equity: Self-Selection and Appropriate Placement

This paper explores the relationship between appropriate class placement and racial equity under a self-selection program model at an urban middle school in the Midwest. We define self-selection as students’ ability to choose their level of courses regardless of test scores and other academic criteria. Within this school, students have the ability to specifically choose

The Effect of Instructor Intervention on Usage of Mobile Devices for Informal Language Learning

Autonomy and self-initiation are essential to informal language learning. However, previous research has shown that instructors can have an influence on students’ propensity to engage in both self-directed and incidental language learning. In order to uncover best practices in regards to the promotion of informal mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in the Japanese university context, the

The Self-Management System Standard for a Prosper Lifestyle: An Educational Module for Dependencies Interface Management: From the Teachings of Islam

Born orphan. Right after birth, his mother passed away. Nurtured by another mother of the same tongue (Arabic), and living at the countryside (a Bedouin), the prophet Mohammad PBUH (Peace Be upon Him), was consequently taken care of by his grandfather and uncle. Mohammad PBUH gifted with the Quran for Humanity, and the messenger of

The Sharing Cycle of Science Learning: A Method to Connect College STEM Courses with Tribal Community Topics that Enhance Sovereignty

American Indian students are underrepresented in all science and engineering fields by almost 50%. At the same time, the fastest growing occupations for the past half century require knowledge of science and mathematics. To address the need for relevant science training, the “Framing the Chemistry Curriculum” project was created by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL),

Facilitating Tabuk City National High School Employees Gender and Development Seminar-Workshop Through Cooperative and Collaborative Learning Approaches

The study focused on cooperative and collaborative learning approaches as the strategy in facilitating employees’ Gender and Development (GAD) Seminar- Workshop. It assessed participants’ awareness level on selected GAD laws, mandates, and issues before and after the Seminar-Workshop. Correlation of the participants’ awareness level along variables of sex, age, and subject departmental affiliation was considered.

Language Learning Strategies of Grade VIII Students in Tabuk City National High School, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Teacher’s knowledge about his students is crucial in his effort of making learning meaningful. Moreover, knowing how students learn the English language could help English teachers plan activities suited them. This study generally determined the English language learning strategies of the grade VIII students in Tabuk City National High School, 2015-2016. It specifically found out

The Impact of a Literacy Strategies Course Taught in a Public-School Setting on Teacher Candidates and Students with Ebd

This study describes the impact of a literacy strategies course taught at a local public school that includes special education teacher candidates working with students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) on literacy strategies that are taught in the classroom portion of the course. Within the framework of the course, participating students with EBD receive 45

Diving into the Vortex: Examining Math Identity, Science Self-Efficacy, Sex, and Race

As the global population increases to approximately 8.3 billion people, the United States National Intelligence Council (2012) predicts a 35% worldwide increase in demand for food, 40% increase in demand for water, and a 50% increase in demand for energy. Thus, educating and cultivating a workforce that can identify ways to meet these demands will

How Can We Encourage Students to “Interact” and “Produce” In English Classes?: Voices of Japanese EFL Teachers

The newly revised Course of Study for high school English education in Japan (MEXT, 2018) demonstrates the importance of fostering students’ productive skills. Students will be expected to “interact” and “produce” in English by engaging in a variety of oral communication activities such as speech, presentation, debate and discussion. However, as great emphasis has long

Experiences and Attitudes of Student Teachers Towards the Organizational Culture of a Faculty of Education

Literature suggests a symbiotic relationship between organizational culture, organizational effectiveness and heightened stakeholder performance. Whereas a lot has been written on organizational culture, little, if any, especially in the context of South Africa has been documented about university students’ attitudes and experiences of organizational culture and implications for the transformation of higher education, as well

Agile-Model Based Dynamic Curriculum Development and Refinement Approach

High-quality curriculums play a key role in successful education, and curriculum development is one of the mandatory tasks for every educator. Dysfunctional curriculums not only degrade learning outcomes but also result in students complains. Educators and researchers have put significant efforts into developing high quality curriculums and a number of curriculum development models have been

An Education Model for Coding and Software to Improve Computational Thinking

The regular coding (programming or software) education in elementary, middle and high school has been begun in Korea since this year (2018). Many models for efficient coding education have been proposed, and Scratch is widely used as acceptable easy tool. However, under previous education models and tools, the computational thinking capability of the students does

Purpose of Mindfulness in Teaching Learning Process: Perspective of Buddhism

Mindfulness is the mental awareness and practices as a tool for purification of mind for creative doings, ultimately which nurtures students’ all-round development. It is beneficial to everyone as it helps to maintain the mental health with increased abilities/skills, efficiency and productivity as well. It develops insight and wisdom, eventually supports for the best human

Action Research Writing Ability Among Secondary School Teachers

This study focused on the action research writing ability of secondary school teachers in Tabuk City Division, Philippines, as affected by their socio-demographic profile. There were 15 secondary schools in the division; however, only 7 schools were participating in research. This was planned as a basis in giving technical assistance to improve teachers’ action research

Building Math Mastery in Early Childhood Through Adaptive Technologies

Childhood mathematics achievement has been associated with success in later schooling, and is predictive of later success and adult socio-economic status. Despite the critical need for strong mathematics skills, not all learners are able to develop them. It is well-documented that children enter school with different levels of mathematics skills and understanding. These gaps in

Basic Research and Ethical Inquiry for EFL Students: Implementation and Reflection

Ethical inquiry and reasoning are essential types of critical thinking. Developing and understanding research skills are necessary components of a university education. This presentation will detail the rationale, design, implementation, and instructor reflection of an integrated research skills, ethical inquiry, and essay writing unit in an undergraduate, low to low-intermediate proficiency, English as a Foreign

Usefulness of Bilingualism and Literacy

Bilingualism in the United States is an important topic because of extensive immigration from around the world. Children from immigrant families, especially from Mexico, are admitting to early learning school setting every year and the percentage of the immigrant children whose first language is not English is increasing yearly. As a result because of their

Comparing a Skills-Focused English Test Against a Lexico-Fluency English Test for International Students in Higher Education

International students need to establish that they have sufficient language skills to commence their university degree in countries like Australia, USA, New Zealand, etc. Two formats of English test, the skills-focused IELTS and the lexico-fluency test C-test, will be introduced and their differences explained. The talk will then ask the question of which test is

Working in Silos: A Report on the Coordination of Course Collaboration at a Japanese University

Universities can be workplaces where staff work in silos. Teachers are often left to their own devices when designing and implementing curricula. Whilst the freedom of independence may be welcomed by teachers, it can lead to missed opportunities such as the chance to encourage a spiral curriculum. This presentation will report on the coordination of

I “Like” It: How to Increase Facebook Group Enrollment and Engagement for University Programs

The rise in social media use over the years brought Facebook to universities across the US, so departments and programs are currently experimenting with using it for academic and communication purposes and they are finding it to be beneficial (Wang, Woo, Quek, Yang, and Liu, 2013; Clements, 2015; Guo, Shen, and Li, 2018; Heiberger and