Category: Education & Difference: Gifted Education

Research Methods and Data Analysis Techniques Used in Disability Based Studies in Nepal
The fundamentals of studies that focus on research methods and data analysis techniques in the disability field focuses on finding out the research gaps. The same research gaps could serve as the areas for the researchers in applying proper methods and data analysis techniques so that the depth and breadth of the subject matters related …

Challenges of Creativity-based International STEAM Camps to Inspire and Motivate Gifted Students
NSTDA is the national science and technology research center in Thailand. One of its missions is to develop and prepare competent human resources in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). Organizing STEAM camps for gifted students are among our highlighted activities.Gifted students have the highest potential to become innovators in the future if we …

The Impact of a Literacy Strategies Course Taught in a Public-School Setting on Teacher Candidates and Students with EBD
School-university partnerships have been among the most frequently recommended approaches to educational reform. From the university perspective, the goal of these partnerships is to bridge the disconnect between what teacher candidates are taught in on-campus courses and what they implement in P-12 settings with students. This study describes the impact of a literacy strategies course …

Teacher Literacy Policy Recommendation and Programme for Action on the Neurobiology of Learning Differences
This presentation outlines the introduction into neurobiology of learning differences that lies at the basis of a 12-hour teacher literacy development program that can implemented in regular schools. In general terms, this introduction means understanding how neurological development should look like in typical and atypical trajectories. To attain this objective, the landmarks for neurological linguistic …

The Impact of a Literacy Strategies Course Taught in a Public-School Setting on Teacher Candidates and Students with Ebd
This study describes the impact of a literacy strategies course taught at a local public school that includes special education teacher candidates working with students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) on literacy strategies that are taught in the classroom portion of the course. Within the framework of the course, participating students with EBD receive 45 …