Category: Education / Pedagogy


Learning Basic Film Lighting in Virtual Reality Based Interactive Film “Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan”

“Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan” is a virtual reality based interactive film produced by the Film and Animation department at Multimedia Nusantara University. This film was developed specifically for learning vocational skills in a simulated film production environment for film students in vocational schools and university level. Previous research and projects that utilize virtual reality technology


Task-Based Instruction (TBI) to Motivate Elementary Students in Ghizer, Gilgit-Baltistan to Improve English Language Speaking Skills

Public sector schools in Pakistan experience difficulties in teaching English, particularly spoken skills, owing to instructors’ unfamiliarity with current language teaching techniques. This research, done in Gilgit-Baltistan, investigates the use of task-based instruction (TBI) to motivate and improve the English-speaking abilities of sixth-grade pupils. Pragmatic action study consisted of three data gathering phases: reconnaissance, intervention,


Exploring Physics Concepts on the “Fahombo” Stone Jumping Tradition in Nias Tribe, Indonesia

Physics learning in Indonesia is still regarded as a subject that students fear and find boring. One way to address this issue is by integrating local culture with physics concepts. This study investigates the physics concepts embedded in the traditional stone-jumping tradition, “Fahombo,” practiced by the Nias tribe in Indonesia. Fahombo is a cultural ceremony


Steam Learning in Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage Promotion in Shek O, Hong Kong: Substitute or Complement for On-Site Field Trip?

This research focuses on utilizing a STEAM educational technique, specifically a VR website, to enhance the learning of cultural heritage in Shek O, Hong Kong. Shek O is a traditional village of cultural significance, attracting tourists and recognized as a heritage site. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the VR tool in terms


School Engagement of High School Students in an Arab Country Through an Everchanging Era

This study investigates the degree of student engagement in schools in an Arab country. Its aim is to measure the various aspects of student engagement that are reflected in a score range. The study’s purpose is to advocate for a culture of security, support, and engagement in schools to exert the expected change in an


The Restrictions of School Youth Voices in Comprehensive Sexuality Education Classrooms

Literature depicts how the imposed restrictions within sexuality education hinder youths’ ability to contribute with their input during lessons. The dominance of adult-teacher authority and advancements of conservative values within sexuality education are shown to be attributes of the restriction of school youth voices. Studies have shown how sexuality education lessons are usually turned into


Crafting Memorable Experiences: A Collaborative Service Design Initiative Between Academia and Real-World Industry

This paper introduces an undergraduate design-studio project in partnership with Mall of Emirates (MOE) and the College of Architecture, Art, and Design (CAAD) in the UAE. The project applies Service Design principles to tailor experiences for MOE’s distinct shopper groups: luxury, family, value, and GenZ. Its goal is to address each group’s needs and aspirations


Digital Media Literacy: A Teaching Framework to Enhance Intercultural Competence

Intercultural competence refers to the ability to interact and participate in a diverse community which is represented by the fundamental elements of knowledge, attitude, and skills. The need to promote intercultural competence should be visible to produce a global citizen. However, the current phenomenon shows that this competence remains implicit in within higher education curriculum.


Culturally or Socially Inspired? Examining the Influence of Cultural/Social Capital on University Students’ Academic Achievement and Upward Social Mobility

Academic achievement of individuals is always recognized as an important indicator of their career pursuit and upward social mobility. Theoretically, cultural capital has an arguably large impact on the academic achievement of students, as several studies have analysed the link between cultural capital and academic achievement in pre-tertiary education institutes, while other factors, including the


Enriching Multicultural Awareness of Young Children Through Children’s Literature and Art Activities

With the rise of globalization and the age of technology, society has become more diverse. Current literature recognizes awareness of diversity, particularly Multicultural Awareness, as an important asset for an individual to adjust, build relationships, and ultimately thrive in our globalized society. However, despite being identified as a learning competency in the K-12 curriculum of


Shifting Mindsets: Approaches for Broadening Understandings and Sparking Change

Educators worldwide are faced with the task of meeting the needs of ever-changing populations. In the current climate of politicizing and polarizing, the task is even more challenging. As the front line to sparking change in the next generation, educators must prepare to model acceptance and promote civil discourse. To effectively do so, educators must


The Management of the Teaching of Traditional Thai Folk Dances in an Online Course for Lifelong Education

The purpose of this research was to develop an online folk dance teaching management method. The study found that 1) Thailand provides teaching of national dance subjects that are scheduled to be taught from kindergarten to secondary. The contents of that courses are large, such Thai dance, drama, and folk dance. Folk dance in four


Educational Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

Recommendation systems were implemented as a solution to reducing the time and effort required by a user to search for information. In the development of the recommendation systems that offer the best performance, artificial intelligence algorithms are used, in combination with various recommendation approaches. However, in the educational context these systems have a different connotation


Disability Art at the Exhibition “Seni Raba Menggambar Suara”

People who are visually impaired from birth cannot see two-dimensional visual objects and do not even have visual memories in their lives. This paper focuses on the recognition of the visually impaired (since birth). This research uses the method of literature study from the Indonesian Visual Art Archive (IVAA) and data reduction with interviews. This


Developing Children’s Critical Thinking Abilities Through Critical Pedagogy: Is the Ghanaian Culture a Threat?

Most African countries have focused on transforming education from teacher-centred methods to learner-dominated forms of education. Since the major goal of the recent transformations in African education is to foster the development of learners’ critical thinking/problem-solving skills, it makes sense if teachers across the continent adopt instructional approaches that align with critical pedagogy. We, however,


Mass Learning Through Interactive Public Art With Data Sculpture

An interactive public artwork “English 8 minus 2″ was researched and developed by relaying the IoT technology and mass learning principles. This artwork mainly aims at providing students on campus with the opportunity to learn English by installation artwork, which expects to reduce 2 credits from the original 8 credits of English score accordingly. The


Transcending Boundaries: The Identity Transformation From Practitioners of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) to School Educators

Frameworks of Postmodernism have challenged the dominancy of Western-centric perspectives on music, allowing Indigenous art production from the Third World to begin receiving closer attention. Postmodernism interrogates the notion of art as a separate and independent object, prompting art scholars and anthropologists to understand and analyze art within real-life contexts. In this fluid space, it


The Design Workshop: A Pedagogical Approach for Iterative Knowing, Doing, and Designing

A design workshop is a pedagogical tool employed in student studios focusing on a process rather than a product. Ambiguous in nature, open-ended, and self-directed, workshops create low-stakes conditions for iterative and experimental outcomes. The nature of these design charrettes makes them approachable to all levels, encouraging students to let go of expectations and learn


Superintendents’ Perceptions of the North Carolina Aspiring Superintendent Program

With the challenges of educational reforms, personnel management issues, budget approvals and maintaining working relationships with the school board, many superintendents do not have the skills and knowledge to lead a school district effectively (Hanover Research, 2014). The content, coursework, and structure of superintendent preparation programs should be aligned to effective leadership research (Pitkoff, 2010).


Reimagining Books – Interweaving Arts, Heritage, and Digital Culture To Develop Global Skills in the Inclusive and Democratic School

Assuming the urgency of finding strategies for the development of global skills, that should prepare us to face the century we live in, the «Confi-Arte |+ Arte-Cidadania» (Art-Citizenship) project, based on the challenges launched by UNESCO and on a vast reference bibliography with regard to the already tested application of active and collaborative methodologies, proposes


Art Therapy for Children –Developing Courses in Creativity to Deal With Difficult Emotions

The covid-19 pandemic has disrupted education systems globally, affecting the most vulnerable learners the hardest. For Ukrainian children, there has been a double shock, as the war disrupted their lives right after the pandemic, aggravating their stressful condition. The aim of the project being presented here was to develop a methodology based on the principles


Difficulties in Teaching and Learning Pre-Calculus Using Face-to-Face and Online Instruction: Bases for Self-Learning Module Development

The early understanding and identification of the difficulties faced by learners in learning Pre-calculus are critical for any intervention to be developed. Thus, this study aimed to identify the difficulties encountered in teaching and learning the Pre-Calculus subject content, and the competencies which are difficult to teach and learn using face-to-face and online instruction. The


Moon Through the Gate: Reflecting on Time/Space in Japanese Aesthetics

Aesthetics and the sense of beauty in Japan occupy a special place and are at the foundation of the Japanese national identity. In Japanese culture, every aspect of daily life can become an aesthetic experience. Objects and rituals have to be both beautiful and functional at the same time. This duet of beauty and functionality


Focussing on the Critical: Film Pedagogy in the Modern University

This study is about the problems that arise for film education models once they are drawn back into the processes, systems and norms of higher education and asked to respond to issues around fairness, diversity and power. In our post-1992 UK university, the degree offering included a BA (Hons) Film. Founded by distinguished film scholars


Profiling the “Internationality” of State Universities and Colleges in Region 1 of the Philippines

Globalization has been considered to be an integral aspect of how universities consider the profile of their graduates. Corollary to this, internationalization is considered to provide longterm stability through linkages and networking with premier schools in the country or abroad. The intent of this study was to determine the profile of internationalization or “internationality” of


Design for Outdoor Education: Redefining Schooling Through Design-Oriented Experimentation in Outdoor Contexts

In the redefinition of the world’s equilibrium in the post-pandemic context, it has become increasingly necessary to invest in the search for alternative or improved design systems of the educational experience with respect to remote learning. In the near future, therefore, innovative pedagogical practices oriented towards sustainability and safety, such as Outdoor Education – aimed


Visual Culture Strategies for Right-Brain Learning in the Early Stages of Maltese as a Foreign Language

The left side of the brain has historically been thought to be the centre of language processing during language acquisition. However, current research indicates that the right brain plays an important initial role in assisting learners to identify the fundamental sounds related to a language. Therefore, by merely familiarising a student with the way a


Influence оf Regional Educational Policies оf Municipalities in The Republic of Bulgariа on Teacher Status-Role Models

The aim of the study is to determine the impact of regional educational policies on the statusrole models of teachers. The main research thesis is that the nature of teacher‘s status-role models is directly dependent on the level of development of educational policies of local government. It is assumed that the more developed these policies


ICT in the Japanese Language Learning: Is That What Students Really Want?

In the last decade, one can witness the process when Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been actively used in various fields of professional activity, including education. The COVID-19 pandemic set up new standards for educational system, where distance learning has become the reality that both teachers and students have to get used to. This


Effective Strategies to Motivate Musical Students to Practice

Practice is an important element in music studying as it contributes to the development of basic music skills and music expertise (Barry, 1992). However, it is difficult for students to sustain the hours of practice required to develop performance ability, especially in the current learning- teaching environment where school teaching is with a demanding, directive


Managing the Barriers to Online Learning: Towards a Framework for a Resilient and Inclusive Virtual Classroom

This paper identifies the barriers to online learning face by the students and explores the strategies they employ to manage them in the face of this international crisis. From the narratives of the learners, and the literature a framework for a resilient and inclusive virtual classroom is developed. A descriptive mixed-method design is employed. Data


Photography: A Potential Tool for Self-actualization of International Students during Pandemic

The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic since 2020 has resulted in drastic changes on the campus life and limiting social activities. At Tokushima University, most of the regular exchange activities for international students have been abolished for the time being. As an alternative, a photography contest had been conducted during November 2020. This contest was open


The Topsy-Turvy World of the University Classroom

This paper will review how the Global Pandemic starting in 2020 has affected classes at a typical Japanese university. Initially, the university students at an all women’s college were considered to be passive and not willing to take risks. However, as the instructor was forced to switch from face-to-face to online classes using the university’s


Being an International Student in Japan 2020-2021: Impact on Their Career Prospects

Under the coronavirus pandemic, its impact on student life and teaching styles have often been discussed worldwide inside and outside the education industry. However, in Japan, while its impact on economic relations of Japan with Asian countries has often been analyzed and discussed, its impact on Asian students in Japan and their career prospects have


Building Resilience and Connection during the Pandemic: Using Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in the Teaching of Chinese and Italian Cultures Through Noodles

The experience of trauma, both national and personal, may inhibit learning and decrease learner motivation. As the pandemic raged globally, professors investigated new pedagogies in order to interact effectively with students in an unpredictable world. Our students had experienced a myriad of hardship, isolation, uncertainty, and fear by the time they enrolled in our summer


Enhancing Sociocultural Competence of Second Language Acquisition: Through Multimedia and Films

Multimedia and films are a rich source of cultural references and a perfect avenue to engage students in the current student-centered teaching paradigm as well as to build their language proficiency by effectively learning and developing cross-cultural competence. Grounded by that, the presenters will provide examples to illustrate how to incorporate multimedia and/or movies in


Advancing Civilian and Military Education: The Integration of ADDIE and the Joint Planning Process in Curriculum Design

The military and education sectors’ knowledge developmental goals are often similar. Literature notes it can be advantageous to integrate civilian and military design (Cai, F., Zhang, P., & Ling, Y., 2020). Civilian sector education benefits from academic and culturally-derived models for curriculum design. The military often uses its own culturally-derived models of design and implementation.


Identifying Quality Critical Thinking Apps for K-12 Students

This proposed presentation discusses the essential criteria for the evaluation of iOS-based K-12 critical thinking mobile applications (apps) and reports on the findings of an evaluation study. (The study examines iOS-based apps on the App Store because it offers most educational apps.) The study attempts to answer the following two questions: (a) what are the


The Visual Storytelling as a Way to Create Knowledge and Empathy Between Generations in Academic Institutions

How can academic institutions value and promote the knowledge of retired professors and researchers in the field of Design and Art? The answer to this question induces a plurality of possibilities that share a common conclusion – Institutions could and should do more. This paper focuses on a pedagogical experience that explored the approach of


Course Redesign: A Case of Critical Spiral Pedagogy

Designing courses that are meaningful to diverse learners and still align them to the goals of a university and its general education requirements is not a mean task. This course redesign project focuses on redesigning a course that we are currently teaching and outlines the spiral-reflective process that the instructors used to conduct learner and


Clients’ Cultural Symbols, Shields/filters and Spirit to Overcome Cultural Oppression

This presentation will focus on how to engage clients’ cultural symbols, use cultural shields/filters and clients’ spiritual concerns when being exposed to cultural oppression. Also, the presentation will discuss how to go beyond a superficial level of awareness when working with clients of diverse backgrounds, define basic terms related to cultural competence, discuss microaggressions, identify


The Study Curriculum for Production of Social Studies Teachers in Thailand

This objective of this research was to study characteristics of the curriculum for the production of social studies teachers, in Thailand. The main studied were the curriculum objectives, desirable attributes of graduates, activities promoting learners’ development, guideline for curriculum development in compliance to national policies, and problems in curriculum management. The representative sample implemented in


Disparities in Education of Thailand’s Childrens through Economic, Social and Cultural Perspective

Equality of education is prominently presented in the constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. However, inequality has been found in Thai education and must be addressed soonest. The survey results about life and society from King Prajadhipok’s Institute indicated that factors causing inequality in Thai education most likely were from family’s income and property. Considered


Mindfulness in the Shattering Times

Mindfulness can be considered both a teaching and a learning competency, especially valuable in our shattering times. One can reclaim the future by actually focusing on the present. In fact, staying in the present is no easy task. Contemplative arts-based teaching methods innovatively meet the essential needs of today’s learners. They liberate our innate ability