Learning Basic Film Lighting in Virtual Reality Based Interactive Film “Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan”


“Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan” is a virtual reality based interactive film produced by the Film and Animation department at Multimedia Nusantara University. This film was developed specifically for learning vocational skills in a simulated film production environment for film students in vocational schools and university level. Previous research and projects that utilize virtual reality technology for educational purposes highlight significant advantages for the learning environment as well as students and teachers. This film has two episodes and three interactive levels where different skill sets/competencies of film lighting were being simulated and explained. The content material is based on SKKNI no. 154/2020 for national competency of film lighting operators. This research was conducted to test the efficiency aspects and the deliverable contents of learning basic film lighting through virtual reality medium. 15 participants in a practical cinematography class were given questionnaires after experiencing the content. The result is quite surprising as most of them have difficulties as they encountered virtual reality for the first time. The overall result from the survey is beneficial to improve the succeeding version of the film and to develop a standardization on how to implement vocational education system using virtual reality.

Author Information
Zul Tinarbuko, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia
Jason Obadiah, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: KAMC2024
Stream: Education / Pedagogy

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Virtual Presentation

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon