The current study examines the extent to which the “Classroom Academic Community” model contributes - both in the personal context and the professional context to Arab-Bedouin Arabic-speaking teachers’ role students specializing in Hebrew and Arabic in pre-primary schools. The current study was based on interviews with approximately 20 Arab Bedouin female students who are practicing teaching within the same program, and they are students in the third year of academic study to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Education (B.Ed). The results of the study show that the “Classroom Academy Community” model has a significant contribution to the sequence of teaching, promoting long-term retention in school, as well as stimulating awakening to school life. In addition, the process of accompanying and guiding the academic-pedagogical mentor and qualified teachers who are trained to teach young female students (plural of young women) in teachers’ homes is expressed towards effective planning of educational units and plans, lessons, implementing them, and improving interaction with students. Thus, enhancing their self-image, acquiring new tools and skills, and even an important adaptation experience in the school corridors.
Author Information
Saleem Abu Jaber, Achva Academic College, Israel
Aref Abu Queder, Achva Academic College, Israel
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