Reimagining Books – Interweaving Arts, Heritage, and Digital Culture To Develop Global Skills in the Inclusive and Democratic School


Assuming the urgency of finding strategies for the development of global skills, that should prepare us to face the century we live in, the «Confi-Arte |+ Arte-Cidadania» (Art-Citizenship) project, based on the challenges launched by UNESCO and on a vast reference bibliography with regard to the already tested application of active and collaborative methodologies, proposes the defense of a hybrid space/time where the book, digital culture and the Arts become motivating and performative agents in the training process for critical and creative thinking, pillars for the development of global skills. What can a book be or do in the classroom at TODAY's School? There are no limits capable of answering this double question. One of the book's 'powers' is to 'be' boundless - it is an endless task. We will call a ‘book’ that whose form − there is no book without form − gives place to the in(con)form: the human testimony, bequeathed and inherited.
The present communication intends to present some guidelines, methodologies and results of the exploratory project "Confi-Arte|+Arte-Citizenship" (funded by DgArtes). The project was developed in 16 different locations in Portugal and abroad, involving 1557 participants of all age ranges (from six months to 96 years). In this communication we will talk about - and with - books, exploring some of the potentialities of using books as one of the most inclusive and effective pedagogical tools for the promotion and and development of global skills in in the Inclusive and Democratic School of the 21st century.

Author Information
Rita Basílio, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Ana Monteiro, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Paper Information
Conference: BAMC2023
Stream: Education / Pedagogy

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon