Category: ECLL2017

Integrating Literature in the ESL Classroom: A Case Study
With the appearance of the Communicative Approach in the late 70’s and very early 80’s, using literature in the English classroom was ignored. The tendency in the EFL classrooms was to teach “usable, practical” content. However, since the 1980s literature has found its way back into the EFL classroom to improve communicative and cultural competence …

Student Anxiety and Learning Difficulties in Academic English Courses
Anxiety and learning difficulties are an increasingly common feature in language learning courses in all educational levels. By the time students with these issues enter university they may have had a variety of positive or negative experiences with foreign language learning, and may have developed a number of coping mechanisms to manage their conditions.The purpose …

Negotiating Participation in Second Language (L2) Academic Community: Asian Female Students’ (Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese) Identities and Investments
This study reports on a qualitative multiple case study that explored academic discourse socialisation of female Asian L2 learners in a British university. Grounded in the stereotype of “the shy Asian girls” (Bremer et al., 1996; Day, 2002; Lippi Green, 1997; Miller, 2003; Norton, 2000, 2001; Pon et al., 2003) that the Asian female students …

Authentic Situation Video Clip Enhances Learners’ English Writing
Authentic situation video clips can motivate students’ enthusiasm and enhances students’ language skills. This study investigated the effect of authentic situation video clip as a teaching tool on students’ English writing. 149 participants from two groups who enrolled the English Writing for Careers course in Burapha University in 2016 were assigned to watch five authentic …

A Critical Review of Three Current Cantonese Textbooks Published for Teaching Cantonese for Mandarin Speakers in Hong Kong
Despite the growing importance of Mandarin, Cantonese has not died out in Mainland China. There are at least over 66 million Cantonese speakers in the world, and Cantonese is classified as a language in need of preservation. The dialect is still the primary language used in Hong Kong, and spoken in the Chinese communities in …

Gaming and Peer to Peer Language Learning
With the encroaching use of online teaching material teachers have an abundance of materials available to make their lessons more effective . This paper examines the effects of digital media, in particular gaming, in how it can assist students in second-language acquisition As is shown students are spending more time gaming than in the language-learning …

“Hear! Hear!”: Effective Business Language Practices to Stimulate Lively Classroom Discussions
Many English language teachers believe that formal meeting is an important skill when acquiring business English. However, many instructors find it challenging to prepare student to truly engage in meaningful and focused discussions. Helping students implement formal meeting skill such as taking turns to speak and understand the correct use of discussion phrases such as …

Blended Language Learning: Using Facebook as a Pedagogical Tool to Enhance Thai EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Through Internet-Based Reading Materials
This paper aimed to examine Thai EFL learners’ reading comprehension ability through a blended language learning environment: the integration of regular face-to-face teaching method and the implementation of online reading activities. In this experimental research study, the participants were Thai EFL undergraduates randomly selected and assigned into two groups, namely a control group and an …

Analysis of Experimental Evaluation of Theoretical Results of Irony Perception
This cross-sectional research represents the study of irony decoding in light of inter-disciplinary sciences in modern Georgian linguistic space which is a valuable step forwards in our rapidly changing world and echoes the necessity of modern Georgian linguistic paradigm. Irony plays the role of a medium in humans� intercommunication revealing emotional attitude which depends on …

Effects of social context on foreign language anxiety among university English learners in Hong Kong
This study explored the effects of social context on foreign language anxiety among university English learners in Hong Kong. Given that English competence is widely considered as the key to career opportunities, while speaking English with a Hong Kong accent can invite social stigma, it was assumed that such factors might be potential sources of …

Promoting Collaborative Writing Through Google Docs in Paragraph Writing Class
Technology has been useful in helping students to improve in their writing skills, for example, using word processing and e-mail to exchange feedback on writing (Slaouti, Pennells and Weatherhead, 2000; Mansor, 2011). In practice, however, a major concern of email exchanges in my context is that it could not help students improve their paragraph writing …

Writing Learning Outcomes for Courses/Programs and Beyond
Program assessment for accreditation purposes is one of the main topics of discussion among higher education faculty members. Classroom management techniques often focus on day to day needs that help produce lectures and assignments. Well-written learning outcomes at the course level will support strong programs and help teachers/instructors with their daily lesson plans and assignments. …

Thai Secondary School Teachers’ Perception of English Oral Presentation Techniques and Abilities
This research was carried out in order to investigate Thai secondary school teachers’ perception of English oral presentation techniques and abilities. The participants of this study were 70 Thai secondary school teachers from various schools in Thailand. The subjects were purposely selected because all of them had experience in teaching English and giving oral …

Professional Language Learning and the Dynamics of Cross-Linguistic Interactions in Bilingual Mental Lexicon
Bilingualism is an ability to communicate freely in two languages. Bilingual professional language learning implies acquiring specific knowledge of the two languages for professional purposes – those connected with language studies and/or language teaching. The most obvious outcome of bilingual professional language learning concerns the increase of proficiency revealed in a wide repertoire of linguistic …

Principal Leadership in the Implementation of School-Based Management in Smk Negeri 26 Jakarta
This research aims to know the principal leadership in moving the citizen schools citizen schools motivation, give, give an example to the citizens of the school, and the effects or impacts of the leadership in the framework of the implementation of School-based management (SBM) in SMK Negeri 26 Jakarta. The method used is descriptive research …

Evaluation of the Program Curriculum-Based Islamic Montessori
The aim of this evaluative research to know the implementation Montessori approach based on Gita Islamic Montessori School (GIMS). The research method is research evaluation by using CIPP model. This study uses multiple techniques and instruments to collect data and for data analysis it uses descriptive statistics and qualitative techniques. The results of the study …

Young EFL Learners’ Attributions of Perceived Success and Failure in English Language Learning
The purpose of this study is to investigate young Turkish EFL learners’ attributions of success and failure in English language learning as well as comparing their instructors’ perceptions about the same issue. In addition, the match between TEOG scores and the perceived success of the students was investigated. Two instruments were used for the purposes …

Computerization and Standardization of Arabic Scientific Terminology
Due to the rapid growth of scientific terminology added to the international lexicon every day, the need is felt to computerize and standardize of Arabic scientific terminology. The fact that we have many academies in the Arab World working in this field, yet the lack of coordination among them has led to a long list …

A Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Project: Opportunities and Challenges in the Context of Heritage Language Education
The Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach is gaining momentum in the field of language education. Though the benefits of the approach have been widely acknowledged, its implementation is not a straightforward task. Further, to our knowledge, such an approach has not been as of yet applied in the context of a community-based or …

Intercultural Awareness and Language Learning What Do Students Say?
We present the preliminary findings of our qualitative research into the difficulties encountered by different types of foreign language students in a multicultural, multi-identity Higher Education context. In our chapter “Hexagone: not just a Pretty Shape” (Train & Wilks 2017) we assert that “Any learner of a second, third or fourth language in a diverse …

The Impact of Weekly Correction and Feedback in a French Composition Class
This study aims to explore the quantitative and qualitative learning performance of a class of composition in L2 French (junior students) in Taiwan by applying statistic methods such as SPSS and Excel. The students of a French department following a course of writing during the academic year 2015–2016 are chosen as the research object. The …