Category: ACSEE2016

Effect of Non-Uniform Inlet Flow Rate on the Preheating Process of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Unit
This study simulates the preheating process of a solid oxide fuel cell unit with the cross-flow configuration, and investigates the effect of the non-uniform inlet flow pattern and the non-uniform deviation on the maximum temperature gradient and preheating time. The numerical method is accuracy and reliable through the comparison with the analytical solution of previous …

Corporate Social Responsibility Politics in Small and Medium-Sized Companies from Poland
It would be seemed that Corporate Social Responsibility is the domain of large companies, which due to their adopted policy and financial means, are able to perform actions according to the scope of CSR. However, as with the principles of the Sustainable Development concept, companies from the SME sector are able, to some extent, carry …

Sustainable Study on Rural River Landscape Based on the Eco-Priority Principle: A Case Study of Landscape Design for the River Yaxi
Accompanying the increasingly conspicuous homogeneity in urban and rural development in the process of China’s contemporary urban development, the rural river landscape is largely copying the landscape construction techniques available to urban rivers, causing several inappropriateness. This paper argues that rural river landscape design has two core demands. First, to achieve sustainable development of rivers …

Research on Spatial Sustainability of Land-Use Patterns in Urban Fringe: A Study on the Erxianguan Region, Shenzhen, China
With the rapid development of China’s urbanization, the urban land has been spreading to the rural areas, leading to an increasing evolution of the land use pattern in urban fringe. The sustainability of land use in urban fringe is supposed to be significant to urban spatial expansion, urban function realization, urban economic development and ecological …

Upgrading Marginal Settlements: Studies on Li-nong Settlements in Shanghai Old Railway Station Area
Has been the most important transportation hub of Shanghai for hundreds of years, Shanghai railway station and its surrounding district generates both driving effect at regional scale and barrier effect at district_øΩ’s scale, leading to characteristics of marginality which could be defined as disorder, isolation and etc..Renaissance of the site starts with questioning what the …

Does Knowledge of Environmental Organizations Translate into Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors? Evidence from an Urbanized Tropical Watershed
Suitable watershed management and stewardship practices are essential in the provision of fresh water services. Several factors contribute to the degradation of surface water resources, including deforestation along coastal lowlands and weak regulatory environments. These conditions are observed in the Manat√≠ river basin, a tropical urban watershed in Puerto Rico. We will explore the association …

Biotyping of Jatropha Curcas L. from Thailand, Laos and Tanzania by MALDI-TOF MS Technique
It was shown that Jatropha curcas L. of the family Euphorbiaceae had significant economic importance for its seed oil, which could be used to substitute for diesel oil. It has been widely distributed in Thailand. This study was aimed at determining the biotype that could produce better oil content by using biotyping technique. It was …

Study on Quality Parameters of Raw Natural Water for the Production of Tap Water at Bangka Sub-District, Ratchasan District, Chachoengsao
The study of water quality in Bangka Sub-District, Ratchasan District, Chachoengsao Province, Thailand used the survey research approach. The study was undertaken to determine the quality of raw natural water before use as raw material to produce tap water. The findings would be submitted to the Provincial Authority of Waterworks to consider changes to the …

Development of a High Fiber Mango Jam
This research was aimed to produce a high fiber mango jam using a gel derived from the corm of the konjac that had been recognized by the consumers for sometimes. The product of mango jam was studied and characterized in several ways, i.e., physical and chemical properties, and the determination of the plausible contamination with …

The Development of Learning Communities for Conservation and Sustainable Transfering of Knowledge to Children and Youth in Chachoengsao Province, Thailand
This research was aimed to study the needs of children to learn a body of conservation knowledge that existed in the local community, in order to develop the resources of the local community and provide the conservation knowledge transfer to children, which would promote the children’s learning with the conservation knowledge that was available in …

Mango Sheet Drying by the Solar Dryer Combine with Electric Coil
This research aimed to compare the duration of drying, energy consumption and yield of drying mango sheet between drying with solar energy and drying with the combination of solar energy and electric coil. The designed conditions of the temperature were divided into 3 ranges, i.e., 45-50__∞C, 55-60__∞C and 65-70 __∞C in order to find the …

Residential Farming: A Strategy on the Regeneration of Existing Chinese Residential Area Concerning Aged Caring Issue
Residential farming, as an exploration of neighbourhood aged care strategy in China, advocated a mode of participatory residential regeneration concerning the aging issue. Taking the regeneration project of Xiangpuying Residential Area in Nanjing as a case, the investigation on existing community showed that both high quality public space and humanistic concerning activities for the elderly …

Synthesis of Poly (Acrylic Acid-Co-Sodium Styrene Sulfonate) as Scale Inhibitor for Industrial Cooling Water System
Water from most natural sources usually contains dissolved minerals and scale forming ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) is one of the scale inhibitor polymers, commonly used in the industrial circulating cooling water system. However, the remaining polymer concentrations of scale inhibitors are facing some level of difficulty for determination. …

Efficient Method of Transaction Processing for Secure Mobile Bill Payments: Pay2S (Save&Safe)
This paper proposes a new method for transaction processing of secure mobile bill payment. Focusing on the performance of the bill payment system which compares the transaction processing of the new method and the tradition method. The transaction processing of the traditional method is a single bill, single transaction (SB-ST). The new method is payment …

Effect of Heat Treatment and Shelf Life on Chilling Injury of Mango Cv. Nam Dok Mai
This study was aimed to investigate the effect of heat treatment and shelf life on chilling injury of mango cv. Nam Dok Mai.The heat treatment of flesh mango during storage were determined by hot air oven set at 34 and 38¬∞C for various intervals, i.e., 24, 48, and 72 hours, then they were subsequently stored …

The Study on the Development and Processing Transfer of Lip Balm Products from Virgin Coconut Oil: A Case Study
The purpose of this research was aimed to study the development and processing transfer of lip balm products from virgin coconut oil by herbal producing group of the Sibedsok sub-district, Banpho district, Chachoengsao province, Thailand. Their physical properties and stability test at various storage conditions were performed. The results showed that all of the formulations …

Handmade Toy Development for Early Childhood Using Local Wisdom
This study was aimed to develop and produce toys from handmade materials for young children by the application of local wisdom. The participants consisted of young children in the kindergarten school in Chachoengsao Province, Thailand. The selection was made by the purposive sampling from 10 schools, where each school selected 1 room, and each room …

Synthesis and Characterization of Bioi/TiO2 Photocatalysts for Waste Water Treatment
The main cause of water pollution was generally due to human acts. Activities such as transporting the already used industrial or generated waste water and garbages from the community and put them into the water resources. As a result of the pollution occurring, organic matters were degraded and natural forms were eventually changed into other …

Research and Prospects of Urban Morphology Evolution in the Information Age
The evolution of urban morphology is usually seen as a response of human science and technology in different periods. Firstly, as a crucial area, information technology would be closely associated with urban morphology evolution in future. Then, based on six aspects_º_relationship between urban and rural, regional differences, city scale, the central area, spatial relationships and …

A Study into Residential Energy Use in Adelaide Metropolitan: Determinants and Effects on Household’s Consumption
Energy consumption in residential buildings is a significant contributor to world energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions, since residential sector absorbs about one-fifth of global energy demand stems for heating, cooling, lighting and running appliances in dwellings. This paper analytically examines the effects of various determinants on household energy consumption. Household characteristics, dwelling type …

Evaluation of Zeolite Efficiency for Removal of Cesium Ions From Seawater
Cesium is a radioactive material which is a big problem when it leaks into seawater. Zeolites are an alternative for removing cesium because they absorb cationic elements and are widely used due to their simplicity, high efficiency and low cost. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficiency of NaCl treated zeolite for …

The Sustainability and Justice of the Conservation of Modern Architecture in Thailand
The study of modern architecture in Thailand highlights the period of 1932-1985 A.D. which depicted the period of cultural transition and the founding of civilization that has been shaped by significant social, economic and political changes to the nation. All this has been much reflected in Thai architectural works. In that period, numerous buildings and …

Removal Efficiency of Cesium and Strontium in Seawater by Zeolite-Fixed Bed Columns
It is documented that the Chernobyl nuclear melt down released large amounts of Cs-137, Cs-134 and Sr-90 (100, 50 and 8 PBq, respectively). The accident had a devastating impact on the marine environment. The main aim of this research was to study the removal of cesium and strontium in seawater by natural zeolite. The experimental …

From Design to Management _ Task Shift of Architects in Urban Regeneration Process
The regeneration of old urban villages in China has entered a new stage. The past patterns of redevelopment of these areas caused many problems such as culture loss, social segregation, urban space fragmentation and over-exploitation. It is more and more agreed that the old urban village areas with long city history and complicated property relationships …

Nonvegetated Constructed Wetland with Graded Sand Bed System for Hazardous Landfill Leachate Treatment and Heavy Metals Removal
Three pilot scale non-vegetated constructed wetland with graded sand bed systems (N-VCWGS) were investigated for the treatment of hazardous landfill leachate and heavy metals removal. The reactors were filled with graded sand media. The pilot systems were operated at the same Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) of 5 days. The results showed that the N-VCWGS which …

Foreign Investment and Environmental Protection: The Liability of Private Enterprises Under International Environmental Law
Foreign investment and environmental protection entertain both synergistic and conflicting relations. On the one hand, foreign investment can harness the resources (financial and technological) to promote environmental protection through various channels (e.g. Clean Development Mechanism, socially responsible investing and private environmental finance). On the other hand, foreign investment may adversely affect the environment of host …

Social Fairness for a Community in Poverty in the Natural Area of Environmental Protection in Brazil: The Chapada Dos Veadeiros
The paper corresponds to the results of the Doctoral Thesis which investigated the possibilities for social fairness in a community of social vulnerability located in an area of environmental protection in Brazil: the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park (PNCV), in the state of Goi√°s. During the World War, the PNCV was a quartz mining area. …

Social Intervention: Center for Studies (IFG/GO) / Brazil in a Community of Small Farmers at Risk by the Use of Pesticides
The paper corresponds to an intervention of a Center for Research in Brazil (NUPEDEA) in a community of small farmers at risk situation by the use of pesticides. The study was conducted by undergraduate Chemistry students and professors from the University in Joan polis Brasil/Gois, in the rural area where the agricultures live and in …

Preparation and Properties of Konjac Bran-Graft-Poly (Acrylic Acid) Superabsorbent Polymer
Biopolymer-based superabsorbent was synthesized by graft copolymerization of partially neutralized acrylic acid (AA) onto glucomannan backbone in konjac bran via a thermal initiator system of potassium persulfate (KPS) and using N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide (NMBA) as a crosslinking agent. The synthesized superabsorbent polymer was characterized by FTIR and SEM. The influence of variables content on the water absorbency …

Utilization of Diatomite as Silica Source for the Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Materials
Mesoporous silica is an important material which has wide range of industrial applications. Currently, it is produced from precursors that are costly. This paper presents the preparation of mesoporous silica MCM-41 materials using diatomite as inexpensive silica source and quaternary ammonium salt as structure directing agent by sol-gel method. The obtained samples were characterized by …

Adsorption of Pb(Ii) from Synthetic Solution by Pomelo Peel
Agricultural biomass waste can be used for producing adsorbents, because it is as low cost material and friendly for environment. This research aimed to study adsorbent preparation from pomelo peel by chemical activation with 0.1 M HNO3 for investigating the removal efficiency and adsorption isotherm for adsorption of Pb(II) in synthetic solution. The batch experiment …

Assessing Solar and Wind Energy Technical Potential Using GIS Approach: A Case Study in Sumba Island, Indonesia
Sumba Island is characterized by low population density and inadequate public infrastructure which result in low economic activity and poverty. Nevertheless, abundant yet untapped renewable energy potentials are available across the island. Sumba Iconic Island program has been developed to create a role model for a remote island with 100% renewable energy supply. This study …

Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behaviour: An Exploratory Analysis
What strongly influences or determines pro-environmental behaviour (PEB) is a question of great curiosity across the globe. Solution to this research question has important implications for researchers, strategic planners and public policy makers. Multidisciplinary research seems necessary to answer this complex question identifying variables that influence PEB at individual level. In light of recent work …

Solar Powered Vapour Absorption Refrigeration (SPVAR) System as a Rural Microenterprise
The continuous increase in the cost and demand for energy has led to more research and development to utilize available and renewable energy resources efficiently. The absorption refrigeration system (ARS) is becoming more important because it can produce higher cooling capacity than vapor compression systems, and it can be powered by other sources of energy …

Information Management in the Company’s Information Space
In modern companies’ activities, information plays a quite important role. Without adequate information and without an effective management system, it is not possible to achieve success on the current market. This is particularly related to dynamic character of present markets. It should be considered whether this dynamism and globalization as well, are not the result …

Drying of Fruits, Vegetables, Spices and Medicinal Plants with a Mixed-Mode Solar Drying System with Internal Reflectors
It is observed that, when the production is high, the farmers have to sell the food products on the same day of harvesting at very low price. A high moisture content of fresh food products leads to rapid deterioration in the quality of the product because of the growth of spoilage, toxigenic and infectious organisms. …

Road to Achieving Indonesia’s Intended National Determined Contribution (INDC): Spearheading Stricter Preventive Reinforcement to Indonesia’s Peat and Forest Fires
The Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) of the Conference of Parties 21 was a breakthrough, driving the agreement with bottom-up approach. It enabled both developing and developed countries to embrace climate reality, taking nationally-driven initiatives to contribute in reducing anthropogenic interference to the climate system, while still acknowledging the varying degree of financial capital, culpability …

Low-Cost Technology for Water Utility Management
The amount of fresh water in the Middle East region is scarce due to long summer seasons with rising temperatures, low precipitation, lack of fresh water resources and increasing population. Thus, the water supply depend mainly on non-conventional resources, such as desalination plants. In this paper, we provide a case study on water distribution system …

Achieving Energy Efficiency Through Industrial Symbiosis: A Conceptual Framework
The rising energy prices have drawn a focus to global energy issues and the severe pollution that has resulted from energy-intensive industrial sectors has yet to be addressed. To solve these industrial problems, much attention has been focused on Green Manufacturing and Industrial sustainability. By combining Energy Efficiency (EE) with Industrial Symbiosis (IS), the practices …

Comparatively Embodied Carbon Analysis on the Volumetric Prefabrication Elements and in-Situ Elements in Residential Building Development of Hong Kong
This paper reviews the embodied carbon footprint of volumetric prefabrication elements for residential development in Hong Kong. Prefabrication becomes a common practice in residential development in Hong Kong and is considered as a green approach. In Hong Kong, prefabrication took place at factories in Pearl River Delta. Although prefabrication reduces construction wastage, it might generate …

Effect of Using Paperboard Bacterial Culture on Fermentative Hydrogen Production from Paperboard Mill Wastewater
The effect of paperboard bacterial culture (PBC) supplementation during fermentative hydrogen production under the variation of initial substrate concentration to inoculum (S/X) ratio was studied. The paperboard mill wastewater (PMW) has been used as substrate. The results showed that supplementation of heat-pretreated PBC to PMW substantially improved the hydrogen productivity. Where, the hydrogen yield (HY) …

Synthesis of Poly(Acrylic Acid) Based Polymers as Quantitative Determined Scale Inhibitor
In present days, the use of water transported from the river as the source material for generating electricity is very common. Generally, this water needs to be purified before it can be used in the process. However, during the water purification process, some calcium ion that existed is not uncommon. The calcium ion will somehow …

An Overview of Research Projects Investigating Energy Consumption in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings in Toronto
High-rise multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) constructed in the 1960s and 70s are a prominent form of housing in Toronto; comprising over 50% of the City’s residential stock. The majority of MURBs have become problem ‘hot-spots,’ due to ageing structures, poor maintenance and inefficient energy use. Studies indicate that MURBs are responsible for emitting over 2.6M …

Waste Disposal Issues in a Philippine Upland Urban Center
Unsustainable human behavior and practices in relation to waste disposal invariably result to environmental degradation. Issues on these add to the ever-growing myriad of concerns and problems that beset highly urbanized centers all over the world. Previous and more recent studies on waste disposal in Baguio, an upland highly urbanized city in northern Philippines, indicate …

Application Low-Grade Industrial Waste Heat for Power Generation Using Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generator Combined with Gas Engine-Driven Heat Pump
This paper presents a power generation using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power generation combined with Gas Engine-Driven Heat Pump (GEHP-ORC system) by utilizing the low-grade industrial waste heat. In addition, the GEHP is used to upgrade the heat with temperature below 70 ¬∞C before supplying to a 20 kWe ORC power generator. In this study, …

Surface Level Wind Forecast Simulation Over the Land-Sea Area and Mountain-Valley Area in Thailand
It is known that the dispersion of pollutants from the source are mainly depends on velocity and direction of the wind. For the purpose of air quality surveillance of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), the regional atmospheric modeling system (RAMS) is applied for simulating 168-h low-level wind forecasts over area of two largest power …