Mango Sheet Drying by the Solar Dryer Combine with Electric Coil


This research aimed to compare the duration of drying, energy consumption and yield of drying mango sheet between drying with solar energy and drying with the combination of solar energy and electric coil. The designed conditions of the temperature were divided into 3 ranges, i.e., 45-50__∞C, 55-60__∞C and 65-70 __∞C in order to find the optimal condition of the temperature. The result found that the optimum temperature for drying was 65 - 70__∞C which consumed the time less than the other conditions. The combined system was more efficiency than the solar energy because it used the energy to dry the product about 60% of the solar system alone.

Author Information
Narin Koolnapadol, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, Thailand
Chatchawan Nimrotham, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, Thailand

Paper Information
Conference: ACSEE2016
Stream: Energy: Renewable Energy and Environmental Solutions

This paper is part of the ACSEE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon