Tag: Teacher training,


Writing Learning Outcomes for Courses/Programs and Beyond

Program assessment for accreditation purposes is one of the main topics of discussion among higher education faculty members. Classroom management techniques often focus on day to day needs that help produce lectures and assignments. Well-written learning outcomes at the course level will support strong programs and help teachers/instructors with their daily lesson plans and assignments.


Analyses of Non-Native Preservice English Teacher Verbal Interactions on COLT Part B Scheme

This exploratory case study aimed to identify the characteristics of instruction by non-native preservice English teachers seeking to obtain an English teacher certificate in Japan. The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has mandated that the teaching of English should take place principally in English from 2020. This requirement will place greater


Dealing with Unexpected Experiences: Transformative Learning of Japanese Pre-Service Teachers During the Teaching Practicum

In the current Teaching Licensing program accredited by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, students who plan to become English teachers are required to have two to three weeks of in-service training at junior or senior high schools. This teaching practicum is central to the curriculum and provides extremely rich experiences that lead


Teachers’ Attitude toward Journal Writing

Teachers have many tasks that they should do. So, they must be professional in teaching. One of the ways to be professional is to know how to think critically toward their teaching. They should know how to reflect their teaching to help them to know about their strength and weakness in teaching. Based on the


Learner Perceptions of Good Teacher Attributes: Japan and Other Asian Contexts

Teacher quality is an integral component of a learner’s educational experience and development. Positive teacher influences can contribute to learner knowledge, skill acquisition, and a positive learning environment (Jahangiri & Mucciolo, 2016). An absence of contemporary research into Japanese learner perceptions of positive teacher attributes was the catalyst of the present study. An initial pilot


Applying CREAM Strategy to Coach Teaching

Being in charge of monitoring and evaluating Foundation Program staff tutors necessitates constant follow-up to make sure that they are in line with the University’s mission and vision. This has raised a fundamental educational question ‘how to coach rather than monitor the tutors’. To answer this question, Cottrell’s (2008) CREAM strategy was applied to coach