Category: Education and Technology: Teaching, Learning, Technology and Education Support

Management Practices and Communication Patterns of Lyceum De Cebu: Bases for Enhancement
This study sought to determine the extent of implementation of the basic management functions and the effectiveness of the organizational communication patterns manifested in Lyceum de Cebu in order to recommend proposals for enhancement to the school’s administration. The descriptive survey method was used in this study which utilized researcher made questionnaires as the main …

Using Google Documents to Enhance Peer Editing
Two common goals of writing instructors are to foster collaborative writing and to encourage students to develop independent peer-editing skills. One of the most commonly cited deficiencies in EFL writing, however, is that students tend to depend too heavily on feedback from their teachers, especially within cultures that are teacher-centered. Also, students often view peer …

The Influence of Visual Information During Reading in Children with Dyslexia
The current understanding is that digital texts can be made accessible to children with dyslexia by presenting them in a simplified layout, with suitable fonts, or by using audio synchronized with word highlighting. However, it remains to be elucidated whether ease of reading for children with dyslexia is affected by audio synchronized with highlighted text …

The Use of Trilingual Instruction by Teachers on Different Instructional Phases in Selected Mathematics Classes in Central Philippines
This research sought to determine the extent of use of trilingual instruction: English (international language), Filipino (national language), and Hiligaynon (lingua franca) in Iloilo by Teachers in selected Mathematics classes in Iloilo City located in the central part of the Philippines. Specifically, it sought to determine the following: 1) the classroom activity areas in which …

Using Stop-Motion Video with Advertising to Promote Perceptions Judgment of Others and Situational Awareness in Adolescents with ASD
Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by deficits in understanding others’ minds, an aspect of which involves recognizing emotional signals. In this study, we used Stop-Motion Video with Advertising (SMV) to focus on the broad range of nonverbal social cues to promote perception judgments of others and situational awareness in adolescents with ASD. …

Engagement and Outreach: A Content Analysis of Students’ Instagram Postings
Instagram, a social media tool designed for photo and video sharing, is increasingly being used as an outreach and engagement tool by companies and individuals. This paper reports a study on the content of Instagram updates. The study was inspired by an earlier attempt to incorporate the use of Instagram in English lessons in a …

Case Study Applied to Smart Learning’s Quality Management
Emergence of diverse smart devices by developing information and communications technology has affected every phase of life. These devices able us to persue various conveniences of lifestyle. The smart device learners now have an active demand and they are asking for the most appropriate learning service for technology’s evolution and proliferation. With the change in …

Latent Semantic Analysis Based Automatic Cross-Language Plagiarism Detector for Paragraph Written in Two Syntactically Distinct Languages
The number of scientific publication in Bahasa Indonesia is now in steady rise. As a speaker of under-resourced language, Indonesian author often consult documentation in other language, especially English. The necessity for an automated cross-language plagiarism checker has now become prominent. There are several methods available for an automated cross-language plagiarism detection but, most of …

The Potential Use of Videos to Improve Communication Skills in an English Language Course
An important soft skill that would be advantageous for undergraduate students is the ability to communicate effectively in English in the workplace. The current study is part of a larger study which is being conducted since 2012 in a tertiary level institution in Malaysia. English is taught as a second language in Malaysia. This study …

Simple-O, An Automated Essay Grading System for Indonesian Language Using the LSA Method with Multi-Level Keywords
Evaluation is a very important tool to measure students’ level of understanding, both in e-learning or conventional studying system. Essay is one of the evaluation which to determine students ability where choices are not provided. Students have to answer by sentences, so then it could be various based on their opinion, since it reflects the …

Faculty Members Opinions Toward Faculty Administration in Dharmacracy in Rangsit University
The objectives of this research were (1) to study faculty members’ opinions toward faculty administration in Dharmacracy and (2) to study the differences of personal factors in faculty members’ opinions toward faculty administration in Dharmacracy. The research samples were 250 Rangsit University faculty members. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The data was analyzed …

Online Discussion Using Facebook Module Versus Moodle Forum Module in a Moodle Platform: Feedback From Secondary Students in Tonga
Students engagement in online discussion sometimes defines their learning attitudes. However, the tools that is being used for online discussion may also frame the attitudes of the students in online discussion. Facebook(R) has been considered by some researchers as a great platform for online discussion. Students engagement and attitudes is part of their objectives. Many …

Increasing ESP Student Engagement through a Process of Structured Feedback
Student engagement is a common concern among many instructors in higher education (Fraser, 2012). This is particularly true relative to student feedback. Indeed, of all the responsibilities inherent in university teaching, grading papers and offering feedback is considered one of the most important, yet least enjoyable among instructors. There are numerous reasons for this, including …

Exploring Emerging Trends in Information Seeking Strategies for Discovery Learning
The ubiquitous information and communication technologies and internet are a worldwide phenomenon that has revolutionised people’s lives and has reshaped a way which students access and obtain information to assist their learning in the twenty-first century. One significant facet of transformation is the internet has been gradually becoming an only information resource in learning. For …

Valuation of Emerging Learning Solutions – Perspectives from Four Countries
Last decade has been a period of strong and rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT). However, schools have not adopted ICT for use at teaching and learning according to the available possibilities for ICT access. It has been indicated that students are in rather unequal situation in regard of 21st century learning enhanced …

Derivations of the Factors Influencing Imagination Capabilities of Students Major in Computer Graphics
Computer graphics is an efficient means for exchanging information through graphical communication. Imagination capabilities are essential for computer graphics majored students in creative graphics design. However, very few researches tried to uncover the factors influencing the imagination capabilities of students major in computer graphics. To derive the factors, the focus group method was introduced. Based …

Design of Accessible Digital Picture Books for People with Print Disabilities
This research examined the design of accessible digital picture books (e-books) for people with print disabilities. Accessible e-books can be presented in a simplified layout, with suitable fonts, or audio synchronized with word highlighting. Previous studies have established that children show curiosity about recordings of unfamiliar natural voices that are different than their mother’s voice …

Development of a System to Analyze Students’ Keystroke Sequence in Programming Education
A coding style is one of the techniques of improving the quality of software. However, coding processes, such as a key type order, are not made into the main concerns. In bringing up a software engineer, mastery of a coding style including a key type process is important for novice programmer. However, even if it …

Didactic Simulator Applied to Solving Problems of Vector Algebra in Two Dimensions
Education today faces challenges that put into question the value of their purpose, content and process, consequences of complexity in the academic process, one of the concrete manifestations of what should be the teacher is teaching acting. The construction of learning products which developed under different factors, conditions and educational practices that deal with the …

Building a Value Network Model for the Design and Use of Learning Solutions
It is generally agreed on that ICT can have a meaningful role in teaching and learning. However, learners – children and young people – are still in an unequal position in regard of access to ICT and its pedagogically varied use in learning environments. There are also wide differences in how children use ICT at …

Using the Flipped Classroom Approach to Stimulate Deep Learning in Large Classrooms
This project used the Flipped Classroom approach to stimulate deep learning in large classrooms during the film module of a Diploma in Performing Arts course at Sunway University, Malaysia. In the flipped class, students first watched online lectures as homework, and then completed their assignments and practical work in class where the lecturers were present …

Developing ESP Multimedia Courseware for Taiwan East Rift Valley National Scenic Area
The Taiwan government has carried out various policies to promote the tourism industry. To meet the needs of the industry, several related programs, departments and colleges in higher technical education have been established in Taiwan to cultivate high quality manpower by increasing English communication skills and related professional knowledge. With the rapid development of information …

Gamification of Web Based Learning Environment for Physics Problem Solving
In today’s digital generation, gamification has become a popular tactic to encourage specific behaviors, and increase motivation and engagement. While having this idea successfully used mostly in business and commercial contexts, it’s suggested by some researchers that application of game mechanics can be used in web based education to ease the common pain points in …

Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Perceived Use of Online Reading Strategies
Reading strategies are beneficial to learners’ reading comprehension in second language learning. The strategies can be divided into different categories, such as global reading strategies, problem solving strategies and support strategies. Most previous studies investigated the importance of reading strategies in the paper-based reading. However, relatively few studies examined online reading strategies and their effects …

The Effect of Theme Preference on Academic Word List Use: A Case Study of Smartphone Video Recording Feature
67 Japanese English as a Foreign Language undergraduate learners completed 1 cell phone video production per week based on a teacher selected theme on a weekly basis for 12 weeks. Designed as a case study for this specific context, the data collected information regarding the students’ perception of the weekly themes as well as post-intervention …

Attitude towards Holography in Teaching among Lecturers in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions
The very many advantages offered by ICT in education sector have led most educational institutions to integrate it in academic departments; thus these rapid developments made tremendous changes in education. Education quickly took advantages of technology through new models of education such as e-learning, m-learning, interactive learning and blended learning. Recently, technological developments are playing …

Instructional Support for Improving Students’ Planning Skills to Solve Physics Problems
Deep analysis on students’ cognition (i.e. mental representation in solving Physics problem) is crucial to develop tool to support learning. In this paper, we describe a study of how students plan and solve Physics introductory mechanics problems. In the study, students were given several Physics problems to solve, with varying level of difficulties. For each …

Integration of Flipped Classroom Approach and Project-Based Learning in an Undergraduate Engineering Course
Encouraged by the increasing numbers of successful cases both on Flipped Classroom approach and project-based learning around the world, the authors transformed the instructional method of an undergraduate engineering course at the fall semester of 2013. After 80% of original course slides were converted into video clips, students of the course were instructed to facilitate …

Designing Childrens Multimedia Learning Application in Developing Childrens Knowledge of Child Sexual Abuse
Various educational applications has successfully utilized multimedia in learning environment. Many researchers agree that multimedia can facilitate learning through its advantages. However, there are differences in developing multimedia application for young children and develop multimedia application for adult. Children are different than adults in the way they think and learn, and this difference changes over …

Learning Media of Currency Introduction for Children with Special Needs
Application of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) has no longer been uncommon and has reached almost every aspect of human lives, including education and learning aspects. The learning media in this study is targeted at children with special needs. It is constructed based on the standard curriculum for mathematics, especially the topics related to numbers, …

Technology Acceptance by In-Service Teachers in Hong Kong – Preliminary Results
Educational technology is appealing to some educators due to its potential in supporting a larger variety of pedagogy. Since 1998, the government in Hong Kong has been making continuous investment into the ICT infrastructure and staff training in local public schools to support the use of ICT for teaching and learning enhancement. It is nevertheless …

The Leadership of Principal in Space Managementprincipium and Pattern
The leadership of principal in space management is a new theory of education leadership. It is rapid development in the promotion of academic research in the new theory. The paper provided the principium and pattern of the leadership of space management to the principal in the school education reference. There are four topics in the …

Competence Development Measures
Demographic change forces companies to develop concepts for lifelong learning that focus on involving older and younger employees. Nevertheless, demographic change offers a great opportunity because older employees often have distinctive age-related competences. These are particularly relevant for failure management, where older employees, due to their knowledge gained through experience, positively influence the efficiency of …

Exploring Learners’ Patterns of Using the Online Course Tool in the University Classes
Online course tools such as WebCT or Manaba+R are popularly used in university classes and enhance learners’ understanding of their course contents. In addition, teachers try to utilise these online course tools for their students such as giving their students online discussions, provide students additional materials and so forth. However, based on the authors’ observation …