This paper will examine the general and the background about intercultural communication model between native inhabitants of Tolaki tribe and immigrants in an order of cross cultures government. The research's goal is to examine and to show how tolerance interwoven among those different sides and honour towards customs could evoke better understanding among all parties in a government's structure.Migration that happened in the past has increased the occurrence of intercultural among native inhabitants that connected directly with cultural characteristics of a large group of newcomers. In a half century, numerous life aspects are immediately controlled by the newcomers who have better knowledges and skills than the locals, including the government sector. Due to their characteristics, which are devoted and determined, it puts them in important positions in the government's structure. Eventhough there are some locals who occupied the position yet not many of them compare to the newcomers.However, the situation doesn'�t inflict intercultural conflicts like what usually happens in other parts of Indonesia. The process of adaption and acculturation process that occurs gradually over decades between native inhabitants and newcomers is one of the reasons why the frictions had not occurred. Tolaki tribe has been known as a tribe which has local wisdom that gives a space for being tolerant towards newcomers, as long as the respect the customs of locals. The process of cultural acculturation that happens through intertribal marriages also gives a big contribute against the establishment of peace between them.
Author Information
Ilham Gemiharto, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Ryan Putra Gushendra, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
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