Tag: Instructional Technology,

Development of an Online Platform for Understanding Students’ Weaknesses
It is reported that many Hong Kong students do not have sufficient background to handle engineering problems in tertiary education. This came to light because a number of such students were admitted to engineering programmes. Although a number of teaching platforms have been developed to support the teaching of subject lecturers and the learning of …

Using DVDs to Introduce Multimodal Digital Literacy Practices into the Japanese EFL Classroom
Despite having the third largest economy in the world, Japan still lags behind countries like Malaysia and Korea in international tests of English proficiency, like TOEIC. Due to a number of factors, English language education in Japanese junior high and high schools continues to focus on the older, traditional literacy practices of reading and writing. …

Conceptualizing a Model for ICT Implementation in a Teacher Education Programme in Nigeria
ICT implementation for teaching and learning has been a research topic for many research studies, but there is no generalize process to implement ICT in teacher education. This study aims to examine the variables that influence teacher educator’s intention to implement ICT in classroom. Using Ely’s condition of change (1990) as the framework, a research …

Introducing Computer Aided Learning in Teaching Basic Electronics for Technical-Vocational Students
The use of technology in the delivery of teaching and learning is vital nowadays especially in education. Computer Aided Learning Software (CALS) is basically the use of computer in the delivery of instruction with a tailored fit program intended for a specific lesson or a set of topics.The CALS software developed in this study is …

Students and Teachers Perceptions of ICT Use in Classroom: Pakistani Classrooms
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a major driving force in transforming education throughout the world. The usage of ICT in Pakistan has increased many folds in the last 10 years. The latest educational policy of the Government of Pakistan has stressed on using ICT in schools. The curriculum documents have …

The Use of MARIE CPU Simulator in the Computer Architecture Course: A Brief Exploratory Study of the Students’ Perception Learning
The teacher has to always bear in mind that he/she has to present educational contents regarding his discipline always trying to present it an attractive way through new teaching dynamics. The challenge is to not to distance from the curricular content by using a broader educational proposal, intensifying the interaction with the students with the …

Rethinking the Promise of Scratch in the Applied Linguistics Classroom: Students’ Perspectives, Instructor’s Observations
For the past five fall semesters (2010-2014), undergraduate and graduate students taking applied linguistics (LN400, LN500) at the University of Guam were required to explore the promise of SCRATCH by designing projects relevant to their individual fields of specialization, from language teaching and literature, to pragmatics and sociolinguistics. SCRATCH, a free downloadable program from MIT …