At the heart of the autoethnographic quest is a desire to examine the complex ways in which an individual and their surrounding culture intersects, and to explore the outcomes of that juncture. This paper details that pursuit, using an autoethnographic methodology to examine the way in which the author's embodiment of humour has functioned to subvert cultural norms and prescriptive gender roles. Through critical reflection on one example within a series of the author's driver's licences, we glimpse the destabilising potential of making a humorous spectacle of oneself in a culture that attempts to silence and objectify women, in the process challenging both the author's and society's complicity in that role.
Author Information
Megan Green, Murdoch University, Australia
Paper Information
Conference: ACSS2016
Stream: Cultural and Media Studies
This paper is part of the ACSS2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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