Collective efficacy was examined as a mediator of associations between prosocial values and bystander's helping behavior, where psychological well-being functions as a moderator of associations among prosocial values and bystander's helping behavior: whether they are willing to help a bullying victim, or on the contrary support the bully. To answer this question, a study was done involving 2665 participants consisting of 1657 students and 1068 adults (school personnel and parents as participants). Through vignettes, participants were given the role as bystanders in a bullying situation and asked whether they are willing to help the victim or on the contrary will support the perpetrator. Collective efficacy partially mediated associations between prosocial values and bystander's willingness to defend a victim or supporting the perpetrator. Psychological well-being did not moderate when data from students were evaluated. Psychological well-being did moderate the associations among adult's prosocial values and their helping behavior, with the associations for helping the victim is stronger, when the psychological well-being is better. The findings provide evidence for the central role of prosocial values and the role of collective efficacy and psychological well-being in predicting bystanders willingness to help in bullying situation. The implication of this study suggests that it is needed different approaches for students compared with adults, considering increasing helping behavior in bullying situation in school.
Author Information
Ratna Djuwita, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Frieda M. Mangunsong, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Paper Information
Conference: ACP2016
Stream: Psychology and Education
This paper is part of the ACP2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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