Coping Stress of Pilot of Commercial Aircraft After the Crash


The plane crash is a traumatic experience in the life of someone, especially a pilot because it has the burden of responsibility on the safety of the passengers. This study aims to determine the coping stress post-crash of a commercial airplane pilot. Coping stress is an individual effort in managing the full load condition, exert efforts to solve the problem, and try to control or reduce the pressure. Coping stress is necessary to a pilot who has ever been in a plane accident to address the impact of accidents or incidents such as stress, anxiety, and trauma in order to have a good working performance. This research is aimed at finding the way the pilots cope with their stress while remain working as pilots after experiencing flight accidents. In-depth interviews conducted on four men who worked as a commercial pilot (20-40 years old when the accident or incident happened) who had experienced a plane accident or incident and are still working as a pilot. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive. These results indicate that the three subjects first performed emotional focused coping and one subject did post-crash problem focused coping. In general, all four subjects combined emotional focused coping and problem focused coping to overcome the effects of accidents or incidents, such as stress, anxiety, and trauma.

Author Information
Samanta Nur Ananta, Tarumanagara University, Indonesia
Miniwaty Halim, Tarumanagara University, Indonesia
Ninawati, Tarumanagara University, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: ACP2016
Stream: Qualitative/Quantitative Research in any other area of Psychology

This paper is part of the ACP2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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