Is Self-Defeating the Self-Fullfilling Prophecy of Judaism?


The challenge of the Re-Ligare and Connectedness ensemble surveys are also the interwoven and tangled form between other conceptual pairs, such as Knowledge and Information, or Mythology and Reason.
The estrangement of beings can, though, transport meaningful purposes to their unity (Heidegger): After the rise of the Enlightenment, and Reason worth an Age of its own, Contemporaneity granted tractable scripti about Mythology and Religion through men such as Frazer, Freud, Jung, Lévi-Strauss or Eliade, after the Natural Philosophy of Darwin, impossible beforehand.
Accordingly, Ancient World Mythology was capable of having been reinvested under determinant Reasoning argumenta with Judaism and, soon after, with Christianity, both impossible in time to be deferred, after Greek Natural Philosophy, from Democritus and Aristotle.
From Ancient to Modern History, Judaism was, all through and enigmatically, the combination of total Re-Ligare and scarce Connectedness.
Judaism´s unique Humanist endowment is critical at this point, due to the διασπορά (dispersion) of Hebrews and Jews. Ever since the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah (1030 BCE to 930 BCE), with the exception only of the Hasmonean Dynasty (140 BCE to 37 BCE), it lacked a fatherland, until May 14th 1948 . The scattering and one axis mundi orphanhood determined also to Judaism a tripartite mould: (1) a Religion without cathedrals, but one of συναγωγή (assembly, Synagogue), of domestic partaken spirituality; (2) an Interpretational Philosophical sort, demonstrable in the Talmud ascension; (3) and secular communal excellence.
We will be intellectually guided by the philosophers Emmanuel Levinas, with the idea of "the other" and "the face", and Martin Buber, with "I and thou".

Author Information
Luís Homem, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Paper Information
Conference: ACERP2013
Stream: Ethics; Religion; Philosophy

This paper is part of the ACERP2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Homem L. (1970) Is Self-Defeating the Self-Fullfilling Prophecy of Judaism? ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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