Category: ACTC2016

Introducing Computer Aided Learning in Teaching Basic Electronics for Technical-Vocational Students
The use of technology in the delivery of teaching and learning is vital nowadays especially in education. Computer Aided Learning Software (CALS) is basically the use of computer in the delivery of instruction with a tailored fit program intended for a specific lesson or a set of topics.The CALS software developed in this study is …

Students and Teachers Perceptions of ICT Use in Classroom: Pakistani Classrooms
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a major driving force in transforming education throughout the world. The usage of ICT in Pakistan has increased many folds in the last 10 years. The latest educational policy of the Government of Pakistan has stressed on using ICT in schools. The curriculum documents have …

The Use of MARIE CPU Simulator in the Computer Architecture Course: A Brief Exploratory Study of the Students’ Perception Learning
The teacher has to always bear in mind that he/she has to present educational contents regarding his discipline always trying to present it an attractive way through new teaching dynamics. The challenge is to not to distance from the curricular content by using a broader educational proposal, intensifying the interaction with the students with the …

Augmented Reality in Primary Science Classroom
Teaching science with 1st grade students is a great experience, we both try to transfer science contents and also integrate some essential skill for using in class; writing and reading. Implementing Augmented Reality (AR) in science class is a lot of benefits, one important thing is making learners’ experience more engaging. Two modules on living …

Development of an Online Cognitive Evaluation System
Undergraduate study is an one basically to our job. If we can choose the best and fit for our behavior, it will be the best to develop highly cognitive skill to prepare for a job in the future too. This research to development of an online cognitive evaluation system for high school students to find …

Blogging Revisited: The Unpredictable Learning Journey
Studies have shown that blogging supports active learning which brings in the process of active knowledge construction. This comprises of reflective learning.This paper aims to explore the students’ learning journey through reflective blogging.Based on what blogging advocates, 45 students were asked to post their reflection via their blogs. This activity was new to the students. …

SCORM Content: Technological and Educational Tool Mediator in the Teaching and Learning of Physics
This research shows the results of several experiences in the physics teaching-learning process, include teaching strategies intervene with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), present many conceptions of the Learning Objects and make apparent that are mediator elements in teaching processes in the use of technological tools in the non-presently …

E-Learning Approach and Logical Mathematical & Spatial Intelligences in Learning Solid Geometry
E-learning is the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. It is now an educational approach to effective learning. Learning mathematics like solid mensuration thru electronics means is more effective to students only if they have higher level of logical ‘ spatial intelligences. The purpose of this study is to …

Playful Coding: Game-Based Teaching for Programming Courses
In the Information Age, the Learn-to-Code movement in the Computer Science Education starts to go viral around the world in the. And educators start to encourage people learn programming in a early age. But learning programming is difficult for kids because of the abstract concept, which make kids hard to understand and be confused. However, …

Gamification or Game-Based Learning: Designing an Online Writing Course
The teaching of academic writing in universities tends to converge towards conventional pedagogy while the use of game-based learning is a step towards a divergent method of teaching, customizing it to undergraduates who are digital natives (Prensky, 2001). Good Writing: What and How is an online writing project initiated by the Ministry of Education (MOE) …

STIG: A Short Trip Itinerary Generator for Planning Trip- Ratchaburi Province Case Study
A trip planning system is presented for planning short trip to the province of Ratchaburi, Thailand. The proposed system, the Short Trip Itinerary Generation, or STIG, provides a flexible trip planning for 1-3 days trip based on user preference and trip related information that can be specified by a tourist and by the system. STIG …

Preliminary Experiment for Comparing Programming Learning Environments
Recently, attention paid to programming education is growing around the world. Programming education is expected to improve the abilities such as creativity, expressiveness, and thinking logically. The study of programming is necessary for 21st century people, and it is a pretty good educational start for children. Currently, there are various environments for learning programming. In …