The development process in the developing countries faces many challenges: poverty, illiteracy, violence, social conflicts, corruption, and the ever widening socio-economic gaps in the society. The government of these countries, through specific political institutions, laws, and policies tries to de-entangle the society from these ills. But in India it has been realised that in order to build a secure and harmonious society the 'governance process', other than the formal structures of government, needs to be given more space and opportunities. The major onslaught of these above mentioned challenges is increasingly visible in the cities thus calling for a newer and better urban governance agenda and people as 'active citizens' and 'affected human beings' need to be put at the heart of this agenda. Within the limited scope of this paper, the author proposes to investigate into the following areas: a) Is there a need to change the institutions/structures of governance in India or there is a need for inculcating a new vision? b) The goal of governance should only be to increase the pace of Human Development or also to change the 'face' of Human Development? c) What are the various expressions of Human development challenges in the wake of rapid urbanisation in India? d) Policy alternatives and plausible civil society actions.
Author Information
Vandana Mishra, University of Delhi, India
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