Tag: Industrial Organization and Organization Theory,


The Evolution of Research on Organizational Compassion Capacity: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda

The study of compassion at the organizational context is gaining momentum as the need for other-serving behavior increases in todays’ global crises and social trauma environment. Compassion which is commonly defined as a social process consisting of noticing, feeling, and responding to the suffering of others, is a concept that is as ancient as the


Personality Factors Assessing Emotional Intelligence and Creative-Potential as Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Managers in Karachi, Pakistan

Exploring emotional intelligence and creativity have become an absolute in today’s organizations and personality dispositions for its study is a rare endeavor. The present study’s aim was to find out whether emotional intelligence and creative potential are predictors of job satisfaction in managers working at the multinational corporations in Karachi, Pakistan. The purposive sampling technique


Bargaining for Better Jobs: A Meta-Study on Antecedents and Outcomes of Individualized Employee-Employer Negotiations

Individualized employee-employer negotiations are the topic of an emerging literature on idiosyncratic deals (i-deals). I-deals are person-specific work and employment conditions that surface when individual employees seek out and employer representatives authorize deviations from an organization’s standard human resource practices (e.g., development opportunities, work hours). In contrast to “playing favorites” and “old boy networks”, i-deals


Supporting the Personnel Selection of Salesmen

The personnel selection of salespeople can rely on the measurement of basic abilities and personality features such as for example intelligence, communication skills, social skills and extroversion. However, a more specific measure, focusing on an ability to persuade would be beneficial in the decision process. In a series of studies, a situation based, achievement test


Effects of Job Autonomy and Positive Psychological Capital on Job Performance of Banking Employees: Mediating Role of Intrinsic Work Motivation

Factors that affect employee job performance have long been a topic of interest to industrial and organizational psychologists. There are numbers of studies which explored the relationship between motivation and job performance. However, there has been little empirical research on the joint impact of employees_�� personality factor and autonomy aspect of job itself on job


A Causal Model of Professional Nurse Engagement Using Organizational Nurse Engagement

Employee engagement has become a hot topic in recent years. Many studies have been published that identify organizational factors that drive employee engagement. One of the important factors was organizational communication. The purpose of this study were: (a) to validate a causal model of professional nurse engagement with organizational communication as the mediator; and (b)


The Effect of Goal Structure on Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Goal Orientation and Work Engagement

Research on work engagement has widely studied and almost exclusively focused on a dependent variable. Based on work engagement model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2008), The objective of this study was to examine the pathways from goal structure to job performance through goal orientation and work engagement as mediation variables. The job performance model was tested