Tag: Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)

Extraversion and Introversion in Young Adult ESL Learners
Why do some ESL intermediate classes seem so energized while others seem so much more subdued? And why do even some of the most proficient students in our classes simply not perform to our expectations when asked an open-ended question? This short presentation will delve into the psychological dichotomy of extraversion (E) and introversion (I) …

A Case Study of the Integration of Sight Word Instruction to Enhance Students’ English Reading
Reading proficiency has been thought of as a fundamental basis of other learning skills and subjects. Also, it plays an influential role on learns’ confidence and motivation. However, it has been found many learners, especially EFL beginning learners, think reading is quite challenging. They think it is difficult to recognize words and comprehend the reading, …

Fostering Autonomy through Meaningful Homework in Foreign Language Education
There is an important dichotomy between teachers’ and students’ expectations in university. Teachers focus on content and skills that they feel students need to become successful adults, while students are divided between learning and enjoying their life as a young adult. In foreign language contexts especially, contact with the target language is limited or non-existent …

Bridges Between SLA Research and Classroom Teaching: Implications From Foreign Language Teaching in New Zealand Primary and Secondary Schools
It has been argued that there is a gap between the theoretical recommendations of second language acquisition (SLA) research and actual language teaching practices. Responding to this concern, this presentation will examine how ten well-known SLA research-based teaching principles (Ellis, 2005) have been implemented in classrooms in New Zealand primary and secondary schools. These ten …

International English in Context: Which Pedagogies?
In its unmissable spread as the international language for communication by excellence, the English language is a classified detectable entity which is both product and agent of the global interconnected world. Deeply entwined in the globalisation process, International English is a multifaceted term that is nonetheless given meaning in the way it is being understood …

Developing Speaking Proficiency Using Task-Based Approach Through a Role-Play to Junior High School Students in Indonesia
Nowadays, teaching speaking has become increasingly important since English has been regarded as a language for international communication. In addition, the demand for teaching speaking in EFL countries like in Indonesia has been increasing as there are a large number of students who want to learn English for communicative purposes (Widiati & Cahyono, 2006). However, …

Strategies for Learning Kanji Vocabulary Among Thai Students Who Studied Elective Japanese Courses in Higher Education
The purposes of this research were 1) to study how Thai students who chose Japanese as elective courses learned the kanji vocabulary and 2) to study the differences in using strategies for learning Kanji vocabulary between beginning and intermediate learners. The sample population of this research consisted of 80 students, who were divided into two …

Authentic vs Non-Authentic Materials in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia: Which One Matters More?
The popularity of English around the world, including Indonesia results to the increasing demand of learning this language as a means of communication. Unfortunately, there has been a gap between the language taught in the classroom and the language used in the real life. In fact, many university students in Indonesia are still reluctant to …