We often gain our understanding of history through popular media, just like we think we know sea pirates and the life they live from how popular culture shapes them through films and novels. Indonesian historians have been trying to trace back evidence from South East Asia's maritime history, particularly in Indonesia region to answer the question: how did sea pirates and piracies shape Indonesian maritime history? Much historical evidence has answered that question of how, but none of them have answered the question of why: why did they become pirates? In the colonial era, where piracy was being contrasted with government's army as a legal power, those who were alleged with piracy activities were executed without being interrogated why did they become pirates. This ongoing research's aim is to build visual narration using animation on question 'why did a pirate become a pirate?' by connecting colonialism history in Indonesia together with the issue. The visual narration is created based on the data collected about the historical context of the settings; the Celebes Sea, a region in Indonesia, where piracy activity is believed rooted in, and in the 19th century, where colonial powers were ultimate in Indonesia, controlled the Indonesia's entire fate at that time.
Author Information
Mega Iranti Kusumawardhani, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia
Cahya Daulay, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia
Christian Aditya, Multimedia Nusantara University, Indonesia
Paper Information
Conference: MediAsia2017
Stream: Film History
This paper is part of the MediAsia2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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