The Relevance and Impact of Professional Counselling on Land Use and Management for Environmental Sustainability: The Benue Experience in Nigeria


This paper would report the environmental implications of indiscriminate multiple land use in the Benue region of Nigeria. The relevance and impact of professional counseling on land use and management for environmental sustainability in Nigeria has been studied using a structured questionnaire. It was administered on more than 500 urban and rural dwellers in the study area. This study would be reported under several range condition indices of age, educational level, settlement and mode of land use. The paper would reveal that more than 70% of respondents out of which 48% are urban dwellers believed in professional counseling before a piece of land could be allocated for use. The environmental implication of lack of professional counselling on land use would be revealed. There exist indiscriminate agricultural practices and mineral extraction which could result in destabilization of the ecosystem. There is need for an integrated legal instrument that could provide a common direction into resolving these issues. Therefore, in an attempt to balance ecological requirements, sustainability of the environment, this paper would suggest the integration of professional counselling for environmentally friendly land use.

Author Information
Lillian O. Okenyi, Federal Polytechnic, Nigeria
Davidson E. Egirani, Niger Delta University, Nigeria

Paper Information
Conference: IICSEEHawaii2017
Stream: Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management: Land Use & Misuse

This paper is part of the IICSEEHawaii2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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