The Effectiveness of Using Easy Class and Powerpoint on Graduate Students’ Achievements in Classroom at College of Education in Albaha University


E-learning is defined as an element of the combining theories of adult education and permanent learning. Teachers have to accept the use of E-learning in the classroom as a new tool to assist students' learning (Bahhouth & Bahhouth, 2011). The purpose of this study was to explore learners' achievements when using easy class and PowerPoint software in classroom. It is important to know how technology impacts students' learning, particularly when using these two software. It can help show positive reactions from students who have a positive experience in using the technology. It can help educators to be more aware of using technology in schools and provide more funding. It can also help bring more of a positive atmosphere to the overall situation of each student and to those who read this research.. Twenty-two learners in group one(experimental group) and twenty-one in group two(control group) of graduate learners from College of Education were participated in this study. The results showed that for the achievements, males group one reported a mean of posttest = 25.38 with standard deviation of œ_ = 1.79 while males group two reported a mean of posttest =22.28 with standard deviation of œ_ = 2.70. While running one way ANOVA of group one, it shows the difference of pretest=20.59 and posttest= 25.38, which refers to there is an improvement in students' achievement based on their results after using easy class program , p= .000. As p< 0.05, the results indicated

Author Information
Abdullah Kholifh Alodail, Albaha University, Saudi Arabia

Paper Information
Conference: IICEDubai2016
Stream: Educational change through technologies

This paper is part of the IICEDubai2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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