Category: Political Communication and Satire

Comparative Analysis of the Political Message Strategies and Transmedia Storytelling Techniques in the 2022 Philippine Presidential Elections
The 2022 Philippines presidential election has been among the most divisive and digitally active in the country’s electoral history. Numerous political messaging strategies have been used to create a compelling and persuasive message to engage the electorate. This study contributes to the growing global literature on message and platform studies focusing on political message strategies …

Similarities and Differences in the Right-wing Populists’ Video Campaigns
The right-wing populist parties try to influence their voters in different ways. The previous analyzes of right-wing populist language and rhetoric concentrated more on the texts and posters, less on the audiovisual aspects. In our article, we therefore specifically address right-wing populist videos on the Internet and in social media and examine how these channels …

Discourse Analysis of Strategic Presented Self of Rodrigo Roa Duterte During the Mediatized Philippine Presidential Debates
Presidential candidates form and perform strategic self-presentations in order to attract voters. Using the theories of self-presentation (Goffman, 1956) and social drama (Turner, 1985), this paper looks into the discursive nature of the dramatic presentation of Rodrigo Roa Duterte, then a presidentiable and now the 16th President of the Philippines. The paper argues that Duterte …

Communication Patterns of Leaders of the Provincial Administrative Organization of Sukhothai in a Crisis Situation
The objective of this research was to study the communication patterns of leaders of the Sukhothai Provincial Administrative Organization in a crisis situation in terms of (1) forms of communication; (2) content; and (3) the relationships between forms of communication, local residents’ awareness and their satisfaction with the communication. This was a mixed methods research. …

Political Communication Network Building by Journalists in Songkhla, Thailand
The objectives were to study forms of political communication networks built by journalists in Songkhla, Thailand and content that was transmitted through those networks. This was a qualitative research based on in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 2 groups of key informants, 16 administrative-level journalists (including news editors, managing editors, TV or radio station …

Policy Communication Strategies of Palang Pracharat Party for the Songkhla Region 1 Member of Parliament Election Campaign
The objectives of this research were to study the policy communication strategies of the Palang Pracharat Party in Songkhla Province Region 1 in the 24 March, 2019 parliamentary election, including the political situation before the election, the process of communication management and the tactics used. This was a qualitative research based on participatory observation and …

Reflection of ‘2019 Indian Lok Sabha Elections’ Through Political Cartoons
Political cartoons are a powerful medium of expressing thoughts (social issues/events) without using verbal language, which expresses the hidden meanings. The focus of the research is to understand the power and importance of political cartoons. This research will examine how media organisations setting the agenda with the help of political cartoons. How culture and ideology …

Discourses of Democracy and Freedom in the Election Manifestos of the Political Parties in the Turkish General Elections of 2015
This study had been focused on the democracy and freedom discourses in the election manifestos of four political parties which were entitled to be represented at Grand National Assembly of Turkey by passing the election threshold during the general elections performed in Turkey on June 7, 2015. According to the results of general election of …

Hate Speech in Reader Comments Made on News Regarding the Turkish General Elections of 2015
The main problematic of this study is to reveal how the political hate speeches directed to a political opinion or to its supporters are regenerated through reader comments, and to make the analysis of discursive practices generating the hate speeches in reader comments made on the news. In order to reveal the way in which …

Campaign American Style? Facebook Activity of Presidential Candidates in Poland before 2015 Election
The Barack Obama presidential campaign of 2008 was the first of its kind to use social media in a positive and efficient manor. What was a new phenomenon back then, today seems to be standard protocol. In Poland the leading social network is Facebook used by 59% of internauts every day. The paper is part …

Propaganda in the Service of Genocide- Case of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
ISIS is considered as great threat to international peace. According to report by Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN Assistance Mission for Iraq Human Rights Office, ISIS politics on conquered territories meets statutory criteria of the crime of genocide- actions taken by ISIS are committed with intent to destroy, …