Category: Assessment Theories & Methodologies


Towards an Evaluation of the Spatial Literacy

Where is the main character of the story? What objects are around him? These questions can emerge in the minds of readers led to read a passage containing a description of the place, the environment. These different questions call for spatial notions that are often useful in the global understanding of history and in the


A Comparative Study to Evaluate the Impact of Using the SOLO Taxonomy in Preparing Exam Questions

Evaluation is a complex task that requires clear and transparent criteria, ensuring all involved understand it as credible, with educational and social responsibility. However, as evaluation is not an exact science, it is naturally subjective. Do teachers prepare questions covering all levels of complexity? Do they reflect on the knowledge and complexity required for each


Formative Assessment Practices of Middle School Mathematics Teachers in the Dominican Republic

This descriptive phenomenology study investigated middle school mathematics teachers' formative assessment practices in the Dominican Republic. The study explored three research questions about types of formative assessment strategies teachers implemented, how they used formative assessment data to make instructional decisions, and the challenges they faced implementing these strategies. Eighteen middle school mathematics teachers from public


Factors Influencing the Implementation of Formative Assessment as Perceived by Music Teachers: A Mixed Method Research in Macao

This study explores the implementation and conception of formative assessment (FA) by middle school teachers in Macao (N = 57) and examines the factors influencing its implementation. A convergent mixed-method approach was applied to collect two types of data. Quantitative data were gathered through two questionnaires: 1) One questionnaire was adapted from Ramsey and Duffy


Toward Valid and Reliable Assessment of Individual Contributions to Teamwork

In typical classroom settings, students collaborate on tasks and submit group work for grading, often relying on peer evaluations to determine individual grades. We are concerned with the method of converting pairwise peer evaluations into individual final grades. The most common way to do it is as follows: every group member has a certain number


Gamified Assessment in Higher Education: A Conceptual Framework for Students’ Motivation and Engagement

Gamification of assessment has recently emerged as a valuable strategy to enhance student motivation and engagement in higher education. However, studies have focused on behavioural reactions and learning outcomes in response to gamification, the effective design of gamified assessment to improve students’ motivation and engagement remains unclear, creating a notable gap in the current literature.


The Development of a Measurement Instrument to Assess Student’s Competence in Connecting the Multiple Representations in Chemistry on Acid-Base Titration

The purpose of this research was to develop a measurement instrument to assess student’s competence in connecting multiple representations in chemistry, specifically focusing on acid-base titration topics. The student’s competency was categorized into three levels, ranging from Level 1, where students demonstrate a correct understanding of the concept of acid-base titration at the macroscopic, submicroscopic,


Unlocking Learning: Can Tech-Infused AfL, AaL, and AoL Align With Differentiated Instruction in Indonesia?

Technology is a vital component of civilization that is inextricably linked to the teaching and learning process and its assessment. Technology-based assessments should facilitate how teachers deal with digital native students who are constantly struggling with technology and are already aware of their unique needs, necessitating integrating different instructional techniques. This study analyzed EFL pre-service


Educational Assessment in the Time of Artificial Intelligence: Assessing Creative and Critical Thought

The release of artificial intelligence (AI) text generator programs, such as ChatGPT, have changed the landscape of higher education, particularly regarding assessment. Traditional assessment used to measure higher levels of learning often include research papers, case studies, analyses, and other written works. These types of assessments can often be easily completed on generative AI programs.


Review of the National Assessments at Grades 4 and 5 in Mauritius

Assessment has a strong influence on curriculum and pedagogy, and it is essential to have explicit links between what is intended to be learned and what is assessed. With the recent reform in education at the primary level, it had become imperative to evaluate the end of Grade 4 and Grade 5 assessments to ensure


Reliability Criteria of Standardized Test as a Form of Practical Assessment Created From the Entelechy Perspective Integrated Into Innovative Teaching

This study aims to present essential ways to determine the reliability of a standardized test. To this goal, we explain the most widely used essential criteria for the accreditation of reliability qualities of a standardized test. Standardized testing is integral to innovative teaching that captures essential elements, including offering a safe, inclusive, and beneficial competitive


Analysis of Lecturers’ Opportunities and Challenges Regarding Formative Online Assessments at a South African Technology University

During and after COVID-19, formative online exams became widely employed at universities. Face-to-face academic activities were suspended. As a result, many institutions increased their use of information and communications technology (ICT) and adopted online assessments. University lecturers were obliged to change their pedagogical strategies, teaching and learning paradigms, and evaluation procedures. This study examined opportunities


Using the Partial Credit Model and Rasch Model to Examine the FOCIS Survey

This study examined the dimensionality and effectiveness of the five categories Likert Scale of the framework for observing and categorizing instructional strategies (FOCIS), a survey that measures students’ preference for learning activities in science instructions, developed by Tai et al. in 2012. The data included 6546 students from 3rd to 12th grade including 4 school


CATalysts for Learning: Elevating Education With Authentic Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)

Classroom assessment techniques, or CATs, are invaluable tools for formative assessment in any classroom and represent a formative approach to assessment. Their purpose is to improve the quality of student learning rather than collecting evidence for evaluating or grading students. Classroom assessment provides faculty with real-time feedback about their effectiveness as teachers and gives students


An Assessment of Students’ Mathematical Competency Through the Mathematics Festival’s Activity

The purpose of this research was to explore ways in assessing students’ mathematical competencies needed for the 21st-century goal. The creation of the Thailand Mathematics Festival was adapted from the original Moscow Mathematics Festival in providing various assessment activities to analyze students’ mathematical competencies. The target group consisted of seventh-grade students who participated in the


Conducting Workplace-Based Assessment in Undergraduate Training: What We Have Learned From Failures?

In outcome-based education, workplace-based assessment (WPBA) should accurately provide stakeholders with evidence of learner competencies. In undergraduate training (UGT), mini-clinical evaluation exercises (mini-CEX) and direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) accurately reflect learner performance. The portfolio is far from an independent WPBA tool. This paper summarizes changes in the WPBA strategy for UGT during UMP


On the Teaching of Literature, in Constant Reference to Michael Riffaterre and Dionysius of Halicarnassus

This essay aims to establish a dialogical framework between Michael Riffaterre´s The Poem as Representation: A Reading of Hugo, and Dionysius of Halicarnassus´s De Compositione Verborum. Both Riffaterre and Dionysius agree that the criterion of correspondence with reality is not the best possible touchstone for evaluating a text. The difference is that Riffaterre arrives at


Theoretical Assessment of Employability: The Employability of Chinese International Students

Worldwide competition is looming over higher education with credential inflation and labour market congestion. Most studies focus on the student’s schooling phase, with few examining the dilemmas of labour market congestion, social closure and the actual struggles of graduate employability. This study examines the international student mobility (ISM) landscape and related debates in employability theory


Ensuring Test Validity and Accountability in Omani Higher Education Institutions: Findings, Implications, and a Modified Framework

This qualitative study examines the roles, obstacles, and strategies employed by educators and policymakers in pursuit of test validity and accountability in Omani higher education. The study provides an insider’s perspective on the process of test validation based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a small, diverse sample of exam committee members and policymakers. The findings


ProctorBox: The Open-Source Operative System Designed to Guarantee the Integrity & Security of Online Assessments

Computerized proctoring systems play an essential role in protecting the integrity and security of assessments in several modes of instruction, such as online learning. The most recent literature focuses on adding features that may impede the student from committing academic dishonesty and fraud by combining several elements that may protect the integrity of the remote


Cracking the Code: A Framework for Ensuring Reliable TIMSS Test Scores for South African Learners

In many countries, including South Africa, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) serves as a prominent assessment tool for evaluating students’ achievements in mathematics and science. It’s noteworthy, however, that the extent of the reliability of TIMSS test scores in South Africa has not been extensively investigated within the existing literature. This


Assessment Horizons: Pre-service Teacher Expectations on Future Education

Socio-technical imaginaries of preservice teachers are an important area of inquiry that warrants exploration, partly because teachers need to be prepared for teaching in a digital society and partly because they will enter schools and influence education in their own right. In this paper, we examine the socio-technical imaginations of pre-service teachers in relation to


An Alternative Approach to Working With Assessment in School –How to Make Students Profit From Teachers’ Feedback

A programme on assessment for learning has been running in Norwegian schools for years, and this has resulted in teachers putting much effort into making criteria lists and giving thorough feedback to students. One element of the programme that may have been less prioritized is the involvement of students in the assessment work. This study


What PISA Set Aside? The Ignored Role of Writing Skills and Reading Fluency in OECD PISA Reading Literacy Assessments

The OECD/PISA Reading Literacy Assessments (RLA) are the most accepted but controversial large-scale measurements, which generate significant debates about their validity. The consequences drawn from the survey reports of 2000-2022 seem to be misleading in several cases, especially how they discuss/ignore writing skills and reading fluency. In my lecture, I claim that (1) the PISA


Assessment of STEM Competences – Systematic Overview of Model Solution and Practices

A wide contextual understanding of STEM competence poses a strong challenge to the process of measuring and evaluating students’ achievement in STEM. The problem with the assessment of STEM competences arises both from the authors’ ambiguous understanding of the structure and content of STEM competence and from the variety of STEM practices in which goals


Automatic Formative Assessment of Programming Tasks

The onset of Covid-19 has impacted educational processes, particularly assessment, in a way never seen before. Automatic Programming Assessment (APA) can be unfair and inaccurate when used for summative assessment. This paper aimed to investigate to what extent the students had to adapt to automatic assessment and to determine the value of APA as a


Making Assessment Engaging for Elementary/Primary Students in Online Learning

This paper identifies the two main areas of online education that cause problems for elementary/primary school teachers. This is done through the use of quantitative and qualitative data collected cross culturally in 2022. Specifically, teacher interviews and surveys were used. Through rigorous data analysis and triangulation, the two key problem areas that come out on


Diagnostic Assessment as the Essential Tool to Identify Students’ Early Pitfalls and Unravel their Potentials

Diagnostic assessment is an essential tool for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of individuals, groups, or organizations. Diagnostic assessment helps identify areas where improvement is necessary and develop targeted interventions to improve learners’ performance. As experienced educators and assessment specialists, we aim to share best practices and strategies for conducting effective diagnostic assessments and to


Empowerment and Transfer of Student Learning From Transformational Model in Evaluation: Applied Case in Higher Education

This study describes and deepens the use of evaluation procedures based on the participation of students with respect to objectives and achievements in their learning outcomes, promoting evaluation processes based on empowerment and the transfer of effective learning from evaluation. The study is based on a descriptive qualitative approach, with a non-experimental design based on


The Repercussions of Assessment of the Teaching and Learning Process

Assessment plays a pivotal role in the educational process despite occupying the fourth position in the educational cycle. It follows objectives, techniques, teaching aids to guide, enrich and correct teaching and learning by identifying the weaknesses to address them along with the strengths to builds on them. Furthermore, a well-purposeful exam will have a variety


Research Skill Level of Grade 12 Students of Penablanca National High School and Their Learning Needs in Practical Research 2: Basis for an Intervention Plan

This study primarily aimed to assess the research skill level of the Grade 12 students of Penablanca National High School. It further identified the respondents’ learning needs and formulated an intervention plan for their least mastered competency in Practical Research 2. Descriptive evaluation design was utilized in this study. This study included 200 respondents who


Formative Assessment as an Effective Learning

Formative assessment known as a useful way to upgrade educational learning with references to student voices and staff reflection. This paper illustrates the implantation of formative assessment in courses taken by first-year students. Transition from Assessment for Learning (AfL) to Assessment as Learning (AaL), the students show more engaging with the course and high acceptance


Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Enactment of Formative Assessment: Findings from Three Colleges of Education in Ghana

Teacher educators play a significant role in the preparation of pre-service teachers to become assessment-literate and able to practice after their training. In this respect, an exploration of teacher educators’ practices of formative assessment (FA) will provide an insight into the kind of assessment practices that their students are exposed to. This study therefore used


Research Assessment: Finding Consensus With Marking Approaches

Assessment is important in any teaching and learning activity as it helps both the students and instructors identify their strengths and weaknesses. Despite this, reliability and validity of thereof is a topic of contention among the education community. There is an underlying unavoidable element of subjectivity which is inherent in assessments, that impacts on their


A Survey of Japanese Learners of English With Diverse Proficiencies: What Makes Summary Assessment Difficult?

This study is a part of the four-year-granted project to develop an analytic rubric for EFL learners’ summary writing. The study aims to identify items that raters find difficult to score using the rubric mentioned below. It also examines the reasons for this difficulty, based on interviews with raters using open- and close-ended questionnaires. Seven


Development of Analytical Thinking Using Flipped Classroom Approach for Big Data Analytics Courses

This research clarified the development of analytical thinking skills through 10 hands-on lab sessions conducted among undergraduates at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). This systematic review study examined 30 publications from 2017 to 2022 that were discovered through a comprehensive systematic mapping process for a more in-depth analysis. Previous studies indicate that most instructors and students


Transforming the Culture of Assessment to an Online Model: “There is More Than Meets the Eye”

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic required higher education institutions to transform their academic and technological infrastructures with the goal of continuing to provide their students with high-quality academic services in an environment conducive to learning. One such institution is the Southern University Law Center (SULC), which needed to subvert the trap of institutional inertia, manage crises,


Applying IRT Model in Validating a Dichotomously Scored Test Item

This study conducted an item analysis to validate a dichotomously scored test using the Rasch measurement model, an Item Response Theory approach for test validation. It aimed to improve the quality of the test items in a departmentalized mathematics examination that had undergone content validity through subject experts. The response data gathered from randomly selected


Classroom Assessment Standards: Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Assessment Practices in the Amid of the Pandemic

This study investigated assessment standards conducted by EFL Indonesian secondary school teachers and how they coped with the emergency remote teaching during the pandemic. The Indonesian curriculum assessment standard and Brookhart’s educational assessment standards were used as a research framework. An explanatory sequential research design was employed to capture the research problems holistically. First, using


Assessment for Learning in Tunisian Higher Education: English Language Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Knowledge Base

Assessment Literacy (AL) has been shown to determine the way assessment is carried out in various teacher-led assessment contexts. Presumably, language teachers should be able to implement theory and policy-supported recommendations for more learning-driven assessment. Following the 2006 higher education reform in Tunisia, research has revealed that teachers either have a limited understanding of language


Revealing Teachers’ and Students’ Perception of the Use of Flipgrid for Speaking Assessment

Integrating technology into teaching and learning has become a global issue in response to the 21st skills. There has been a force to advance digital education with the current pandemic. Technology and the internet have become the leading platforms for learning and assessment. This explanatory sequential mixed-methods design explores teachers’ and students’ perceptions of using


Metacognitive Strategies in the Preparation of Future Chemistry Teachers

The research aim was to verify the efficiency of a metacognitive strategy called Post-Test Reflection (PTR), implemented into Chemistry Teaching Students’ Training. This research was performed in the 2020/2021 academic year during a course in Chemistry Didactics. The sample consisted of 22 Chemistry Teaching students in the 1st year of their Master study. First, students


Effectiveness of Learning Objectives Articulated in Some of the Undergraduate Textbooks in Developing Entrepreneurial Skills in the Students

Entrepreneurs are needed in great numbers for economic growth and economic development since they are increasingly recognized as a driving force for innovation and job creation. To achieve this, the teaching and learning of entrepreneurship should be given the centre stage. A paradigm shift from a salaried society towards an entrepreneurial society should take place.


Establishing Psychometric Properties of the MSU-TCTO Senior High School Entrance Examination Using Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory

Achievement Testing is widely used in assessing the psychological capabilities of a person. Thus, correct test constructs are important in achieving the purpose of testing. The Mindanao State University-Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography Senior High School Entrance Exam (SHSEE) is the first MSU-TCTO school-made paper-and-pen achievement test that was conducted on November 18, 2018,


Remote Exams: The Move From Traditional Exam Questions to Case Study Style Assessment

In 2020, because of Covid-19, student summative assessments were required to be completed off campus as opposed to being attempted in invigilated exam locations and conditions. Exams had already been written, and moderated, prior to this decision being taken, and were a form of assessment which not only tested students’ knowledge but also, in part,


Examining the Impact of Classroom Group Identity Development in an Urban Chemistry Classroom

In this grounded theory study, we follow the cases of two marginalized female students in their Regents High School Chemistry class. Both traditionally and historically, chemistry has been viewed as a challenging field of study, one promoting elite status stereotypes that often alienate and hamper students’ capacity for achievement in science. Especially now that we


Combined GIS Based Spatial-Temporal Analysis Using Social Media Data of Wuhan, China

The development and growth of Internet technology with geo-location has promoted the development of China’s Volunteered Geographical Information (VGI) Services. Twitter-like Sina Weibo has gathered a large number of user check-in data, which contains the geolocation features with temporal information. Weibo data has become a major source of geographic location information, helping to access human


Peer to Peer Learning Model

Peer to Peer Learning Model Introduction Learning from one another is a characteristic of all courses at all levels, not just informal learning. Students have conversations about what they are learning inside and outside of the classroom, whether teachers are aware of it or not. The first approach when stuck a problem is to ask


Supporting Mastery Learning Through a Multiple-Submission Policy for Assignments in a Purely Online Programming Class

The Learning Edge Momentum (LEM) theory suggests that once students fall behind, it gets more difficult to catch up with the course material. It then becomes increasingly more difficult to connect new, higher-level concepts to those solid edges of knowledge with mastery of basic concepts. Learning for Mastery (LFM) acknowledges that students learn at different


Designing A Multiple Submission Policy Supporting Mastery Learning for a Design Thinking Class in a Purely Online Learning Environment

Mastery learning is defined as an approach where students are equipped with complex skills required in the VUCA world instead of simple skills that only apply to traditional classrooms. One way to encourage mastery learning in the classroom is through repeated assessment, specifically formative ones. In this paper, we describe our experience in designing a


A Tool to Assess the Quality of Self-learning Modules (SLMS) for the ‘New Normal’ in Education Using the Best-worst Method

In this paper, a tool to assess the quality of self-learning modules (SLMs) was developed using the Best Worst Method (BWM) by Rezaei (2015). Four major quality criteria namely Content (weight = 0.603), Instruction (weight = 160), Technicality (weight = 0.097), and Ethical and Cultural Considerations (weight = 0.140) were established through the perspective of


Constructing a Learning-oriented Self-assessment Model of C-E Translation

The Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Education Evaluation in the New Era (hereinafter referred to as The Overall Plan) promotes “student-centered education” and “process assessment” and The National Standard for Teaching Quality of Chinese Language and Literature Major (hereinafter referred to as The National Standard) emphasizes the “cultivation of students’ learning autonomy” and


The Use of Different Strategies by Writers in Integrated Writing Assessment

In recent years, there has been an accelerating trend towards using integrated writing tasks (IWT) in second language (L2) writing assessment settings, which can be attributed to their ability to “mirror” actual academic practices that require students’ comprehension and integration of source-based ideas into the production of written compositions. Nevertheless, these tasks present writers, especially


Inclusive Foreign Language Assessment in Trying Times: Pre-service Teachers’ Attribution Mechanisms and Their Implications for Inclusive Emergency Remote Teaching

The main goal of foreign language education (FLE) to foster intercultural communicative competence implies the need to include and connect diverse learners (e.g. Council of Europe, 2001) and thereby aligns itself with key principles of inclusive education. Yet, the pursuit of communicative competence (CC) is a task that often divides rather than includes. In the


K-12 Teacher Education Performance Assessment Preparation: Lesson Learned from Practical Application

It’s no secret that improving the quality of teaching improves the future outcome for students. As the subject of educator performance gains new momentum, K12 teacher preparation programs must support assessment needs of K12 teachers in meeting the needs of the learners whom they shepherd. Educator licensure assessment needs such as assessment development, preparation, administration,


Gap Design as a New Tool for Learning and Assessment

The attempt was to stimulate positive provocation in learners to think and create alternative approaches to effectively deal with real-life problems. The case involved learners of the Master in Hospital Administration program who all agreed to get assessed under a higher level of Bloom’s Taxonomy like never before on their end semester project. The research


Analytics of Behavior Semantics for Understanding Constraint Conditions Hidden in Formative Process of Real-world Learning

An alternative of classroom learning is situated learning by behaving in the world (e.g., environmental learning in a natural field). Among various types of human intelligence, this research is interested in understanding the process mechanism that human intelligence is formed through learner-learner and learner-environment interactions. Here, we assume that a learner’s cognition, interpretations and behavior


Performing Arts: Assessment of Learning in Grade 7 Mathematics

This study determined the effect of performing art as an assessment in Grade 7 Mathematics in the academic achievement of the Grade 7 students of Bicol University College of Education Integrated Laboratory School, the school year 2019-2020. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following sub-questions: (1) What lessons in Grade 7 Mathematics may be


Supporting the Academic Dimension of the Transition to University

The transition from further to higher education is both an exciting and challenging time for first year undergraduate engineering students. This work focuses on developing a tool to support the academic dimension of the transition, specifically the identification and closing gaps in student’s pre-requisite knowledge, skills and reasoning. A transition survey was developed and deployed


Self-regulated Learning and Dynamic Assessment in Preschool

The assessment of self-regulated learning is a relevant research topic in early childhood development. However, there are few measures to assess self-regulated learning in preschool as a dynamic and multidimensional process. This study aims to fill this gap by presenting the development and validation of the Dynamic Assessment of Self-regulation in Preschool (DASP) method. A


A Case Study of Assignments Through an Online Mentoring Program

Behind ubiquitous information in the 21st century is the desire for understanding and mastering the information. As with any application-oriented learning method, it is necessary to truly appreciate its domain before mastering its core knowledge and applying it flexibly in practical operations. Student hands-on exercise is a commonly used teaching model across all disciplines in


Needs Assessment: Do We Need It? A Case Study in an EFL Writing Class in Vietnam

Needs assessment focuses on “the learning needs of students, and then, once they are identified, needs are translated into learning objectives” (Brown, 2011, p. 269). Assessment of students’ needs will help teachers to develop teaching materials, learning activities, tests, assessment tools more effectively in their EFL classrooms. Thus, recognizing students’ needs provides a strong foundation


Fourth Grade Slow Learners’ Reading Error Analysis in Inclusive Elementary School in Indonesia

This study aims to analyze 4th grade slow learners’ reading errors in reading Indonesian text in an inclusive elementary school in Indonesia. This study involved four students who were diagnosed as slow learners. The investigation included planning, conducting, and analyzing the stages. The data were collected by recording the results of students’ reading tests. The


Prediction of Success in Online Study: Testing, Evaluation, and Interpreting Data

Distance online education has already proven to be a viable alternative to traditional education. However, the task of raising informationally competent and easily adapting to a new learning environment specialist is still far from completion. The purpose of this work is to create a method that allows in the first days of the semester to


Enhancing Learner Autonomy Using Student-generated Rubrics in Speaking and Writing: A Case in One Singapore Primary School

Student-generated rubrics, as part of formative assessment, have been reported to foster self-regulation and learner autonomy. This in turn can have a positive impact on students’ accomplishment on specific assignments. In view of these reports, an experimental design intervention was implemented on two classes of Grade 5 students (over 80) in one Singapore primary school


A Language Proficiency Test that Works

Either out of inadequate technology or for the sake of convenience, most language proficiency tests tend to oversimplify students’ diverse needs and provide one size fit all solutions. Take Oxford Young Learners Placement Test for example. One part of this test combines grammar, vocabulary and functional language use. A student gets a final score and


A New Self-adaptive Separate Grammar Test for L2 Online Young Learners

Grammar, a core component of the language system, is usually tested through writing and speaking in major language tests for young second language (L2) learners, such as Cambridge YLE. This, however, can not be aligned with students’ learning needs in later stage of acquisition. Moreover, the form of grammar, which is a better reflection of


A Causal Model of Student Teachers’ Ambition for Becoming Teachers

Student teachers’ ambition for becoming teachers is crucially vital in effectively making the decision to be in the teaching profession. The current research endeavor attempted to 1) study levels of motivation to be teachers, pedagogical knowledge, awareness of their teaching abilities, and the ambition for having a teaching profession. 2) Also, the current research study


Encouraging Independence and Interdependence in Assessment: Moving Towards Assessment for Learning in Heritage Language Classrooms in Singapore

Assessment for learning (AfL) can be viewed as a set of practices that enhance student learning. AfL is applicable in many varied contexts, yet the necessary situation-specific enactment (reflecting, for example, the learner’s age, subject matter and resources available) can impede critical examination and thoughtful dissemination. This study explored the extent by which teachers in


Attitude, Perceptions and Development of edTPA as an Assessment Process Among ECE Senior Cohort Students

edTPA serves as a teacher performance assistance and support system that measures new teachers’ readiness to teach young children. Even though it is not mandatory for the teaching license in Ohio, the University of Cincinnati makes edTPA mandatory in order for teacher candidates to graduate. This study tries to determine the change in attitude of


The Significance of Media in Literary Theory: Shaping the Future of Literary Criticism of Electronic Literature

Media plays an important role in literary studies. Nevertheless, the media has been neglected since the emergence of literary theories and criticism. Today, the development of digital media, which has influenced the world, has greatly influenced the development of literature. This development has created a research gap for further research on the effect of media


Socio-cultural Aspects in the Japanese Language Teaching Methodologies

In the age of globalization learning a foreign language can be used as an important mean of cross-cultural understanding. Nowadays, there have been a lot of changes in the social life of people in different countries. Therefore, the language teaching and learning requires a comprehensive approach. That is especially true for the Japanese language, because,


Harnessing Learning Analytics to Improve Online Quiz Equity

The use of online learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard, Canvas and Moodle is becoming a norm in higher education. In general, these systems provide tools to facilitate active learning such as discussion forums and student assessments such as online quizzes. Studies have shown that students who do pre-class online quizzes that encourage preparatory