Category: AGEN2017

Residential Aged Care Services – The Australian Experience
Since 1997, the provision of ageing and aged care services to older Australians has undergone significant change and growth. The sector has moved from what was considered a ‘cottage industry’ to a highly competitive market with a wide range of participants including for profit entities. This heavily government subsidised sector, which is based upon distinct …

Perspectives of Users and Experts on Designs for Converting Existing New Zealand Houses to Make Them Suitable for Ageing in Place
The limited available choices for older people as well as personal factors have led to a demand for ageing in place. Given the slow rate of adding new houses to the existing stock in New Zealand (Statistics New Zealand, 2013), it is essential to find effective design solutions for redeveloping the latter to achieve a …

The Model of Intergenerational Relation in Balinese Family
Change of family structure becomes something relevant to be studied in the era of ageing population. In 2030 it is predicted that the family structure will tend to form an inverted pyramid, where the number of older people in the family is more than that of adults and children. Change of family structure has an …

Strategies of Hong Kong’s Healthcare System in Aging Population
The aging population creates challenges for the healthcare system in Hong Kong.This paper examines the challenges facing and an acceptable delivery system amid Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population.ChallengesThe elderly population is expected to increase to “one in four” in 2033. The elderly inpatient ratio is expected to be 62% in 2029. Aging people highly rely …

Towards Age-Friendly Built Environment
The population of aged people is increasing dramatically throughout the world and this demographic variation is generating different challenges for societies, families and individuals in many different ways. One of the effective approaches for responding towards demographic ageing is to have more evidences on creating age-friendly communities. Despite of having number of researches on ageing, …

Multidimensional Determinants of Caregiving Burden in Chinese Male Caregivers of Older Family Members in Hong Kong
During recent decades, demographic changes and family structure transformation in Hong Kong have made a growing number of male undertaking care giving roles. However, there is a noted paucity of research on men’s caregiving activities and caregiving burden. The aim of the present study was to examine multidimensional determinants of caregiving burden in Chinese male …

Designing the Interior of a Nursing Home for the Elders of Mauritius
The phenomenon of population ageing is occurring in Mauritius, this is due to the progressive ageing of the median age itself. The demographic changes in the social and family structure has altered so drastically in the last decade; the extended family structure has disappeared to be replaced by the nuclear family. Since then there have …