The Applications and Effectiveness of Smart Campus in Taiwan Thematic Research Plan


In recent years, many countries have introduced ICT-related applications in learning, energy saving, management and others on campus in attempt to alleviate the burden of teachers and administrators and to improve the effectiveness and results of learning. To help Taiwan’s enterprises to provide products and services in line with the international development and to meet the needs on campus, the Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan launched a thematic research project, inviting 3 system integrators in Taiwan to develop comprehensive systems which cover six different aspects, including learning, social, governance, management, energy and health. So far, thirty five example schools have established. The collected information of the six aspects is integrated. The result after introducing the ICT applications is apparent, and the schools with good practices of the ICT tools has obtained solid and clear results or improvement in learning, governance, security and etc. For example, a junior high school in the remote area has seen the improvement of students’ scores of the senior high school entrance exam by over 50%.

Author Information
Fang-Chen Chuang, Digital Education Institute, Taiwan
John Liao, Digital Education Institute, Taiwan
Ting Yi Shao, Digital Education Institute, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACSET2016
Stream: Education and Technology: Teaching, Learning, Technology & Education Support

This paper is part of the ACSET2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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