Category: ACSEE2017

Treatment of Wastewater Contaminated with Water-Based Varnish and Glue Using Wasted Chemical and Materials in Coating/Lamination Plant
Vanish coating is usually applied to protect the surface and add the value of printed products. Water-based coatings have become popular in the printing industry because of their environmentally friendly and odorless. However, high volume of wastewater from many coating plants need to be treated with low cost. The objectives are to survey the source …

Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing System (UARSS)-Derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) To Soil Moisture Mapping
Satellite remote sensing systems have been widely applied to soil moisture monitoring but are unsuitably applied to that of small areas, which merely cover several hectares, due to their low spatial or temporal resolutions. In order to address the soil moisture mapping of the small areas in Kinmen, Taiwan, a multispectral sensor carried on an …

Development of a Dual Axis Sun Tracking System with Astronomical Equation Program on Arduino Via GPS Module
The overall objective of this study is to design and develop a program for controlling A Dual axis sun tracking system with astronomical equation program on Arduino via GPS module. This paper discusses about mechanical structure, concept of program and algorithm base on the astronomical equation in Thailand. The concept of this tracking system is …

The Study of Design Elements and User’s Behavior in Public Space: A Case Study of Pattaya Beach Road Public Space
This research aimed to investigate the user’s behavior of the public open space, a case study of Pattaya beachfront public space, Chonburi province, the second most visited city in Thailand, after Bangkok. By studying the characteristic of landscape design elements, activities and the surrounding context to analyze the relationship of the various factors that affecting …

The Coupling Effect Analysis Between Economic Growth, Industrial Structure and Environmental Pollution in China
It is important to explore the coupling relationship between economic growth, industrial structure and environmental pollution. In numerous analysis frameworks which used for studying economic growth, industrial structure and environmental pollution, many scholars verified whether the situation of local area in accordance with the Kuznets curve, the obtained results were always diverse. Dividing China into …

Building Community: Stepping Beyond Typical Large Scale Housing Development Models to Create Better Rural Communities
Community is a vital aspect of living, yet most large scale housing developments tend to focus on achieving maximum occupation rather than creating environments within which communities can grow and thrive. This paper explores the key characteristics of large scale (and post disaster) housing developments in Sri Lanka, and their impact on the culture of …

Developing an Economic Analysis Application for Solar Rooftop Electricity Generating in Thai Residential
This paper presents the development of an economic analysis application for solar rooftop electricity generating in homestead. This study focuses on extracting specific parameters of solar rooftop system in residences and finding indicators of cost analysis and economic benefits to design and develop an application for solar rooftop system and economic analysis by using Visual …

NOx Behaviors Upon Conventional and Advanced Combustion Treatments of Woody Biomass
Based on the easy approachability and affordability, bio-energy has always been termed as basic source of energy since the evolution of humankind. Based on the fact, the present study deals with a direct combustion approach towards thermo-chemical characteristics of woody biomass under various combustion media and furnace temperatures through using conventional & advanced combustion technologies. …

A Sustainable Cement Replacement Material From a Coal-Fired Power Plant Waste
Electrical energy is an important in a daily life. Coal is a primary fuel for electricity production. The waste from the coal-fired electricity generation is a fly ash. The numerous fly ash is a low quality fly ash (LQFA). LQFA is a low reactivity ash, and is a hazardous waste. Normally, LQFA is stored in …

Managing Carbondioxide Emissions Through Spatial Planning: An Approach in the Realization of Sustainable Development in Indonesia
In the last decade, emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly. Recorded by the IPCC (2007), the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in 2007 was higher than scenario A1F1 prediction. The high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has become a threat to sustainable development in the world, including in Indonesia. Indonesia …

Significance of Household Composition on Electricity Consumption and Carbon Emissions
There are various household composition including with the number of member and the age of each member. The consumption pattern of member in each age range are different. Although two households may have the same number of member but may have different pattern of consumption because the age of each member in each household are …

Synthesized Silica From Rice Husk for Anti-Slip Overprint Coating
Thailand is among the top ten rice exporters that have produced more than 30 million tons of rice in order to serve domestic and worldwide consumption. In a process of rice milling, more than 10 million tons of rice husk as agricultural waste are disposed. Since rice husk is enriched with abundant silica (SiO2), this …

Sustainability Should Be Fun: Designing Board Games to Teach Sustainability
Teaching sustainability to undergrad students, particularly those in design degrees, faces barriers when it comes to relating core concepts such as the triple bottom line (environmental, economic and social issues) or the environmental impacts of technological development with the product’s life cycle in their design process or even their daily lives. It results in difficulties …

CSR Activities and Employee Perceptions in Family-Run Businesses in Eastern Thailand
Many (Thai) scholars have suggested that the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was introduced to Thailand by large foreign companies, many of which have active and typically formalised CSR programmes. However, family-run businesses in Thailand (FRBT) often practice a different form of CSR, driven by a desire to “give back to society”, influenced by …

Performance Evaluation of Paddy Rice Pneumatic Dryer
This research was carried out to study the drying of paddy using a developed pneumatic dryer by the cyclone and without cyclone installation. In this study, Thai jasmine rice 105 variety was selected as a sample in the experiment. The effect of drying behavior, specific energy consumption (SEC), drying rate (DR) and percent of head …

Threat of Bio-Cultural Diversity Loss Evaluated by International Students; Case of Traditional Japanese Paper (Washi) Making in Futamata Community
Kanazawa City was designated as UNESCO Creative City in the field of crafts and folk, and the demand to the locally made traditional crafts still remains high in the city. However, after the rapid economical growth, the utilization of the local natural resource for traditional crafts making was reduced due to the introduction of the …

The Path Towards Sustainable Development
Development is process of change in current system for comfort. Outcome of development can be positive or negative. Only development concept failed and produces damage to lives and its consequences are natural calamities and terrorism.So the whole world is searching for the path for sustainable development.Religious values are strong denominator against which all other values …