Managing Carbondioxide Emissions Through Spatial Planning: An Approach in the Realization of Sustainable Development in Indonesia


In the last decade, emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly. Recorded by the IPCC (2007), the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in 2007 was higher than scenario A1F1 prediction. The high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has become a threat to sustainable development in the world, including in Indonesia. Indonesia as a developing country with 52,53% forestry area, identified as third contributor to CO2 emissions in the worlds. The various sources of emissions, 87% of Indonesia's total emissions resulting from land-based sectors (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2013). To deal with this condition, necessary mitigation, one of which is done by intervening in spatial arrangement. Role of spatial planning directing low-carbon development can be identified by reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Therefore, the goal of this article is identifying the significance of the spatial planning contribution in reducing CO2 emissions in Indonesia. By using Batam City, one of industrial areas in Indonesia, as the case study, it is known that the spatial planning has contribution to reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere significantly. By using stock difference approach, it is identified that the environmentally friendly spatial planning capable to reducing CO2 emissions up to 93,54%. It is indicating that spatial planning can be used as one of the approaches in the emissions mitigation, particularly in Indonesia.

Author Information
Iredo Bettie Puspita, National Institute of Technology (Itenas) Bandung, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: ACSEE2017
Stream: Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management: Land Use & Misuse

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