A Semiotic Analysis of Solo Basahan as a Traditional Javanese Clothes


In this century, the globalization is the common phenomena that can open the chance to influence the tradition and culture in some areas. The culture and its products like clothes will be easily replaced by the modern one. It already happens on Javanese traditional clothes called Solo Basahan, as we know that it contains the deep meanings. Related to the statement, this research aims to reveal the cultural meanings and values contained within Solo Basahan clothes. This qualitative research uses research methods dividing into three steps; (1) collecting the data by doing an interview as a primary data and the literature as a secondary data, (2) classifying then analyzing the collected data with semiotic analysis, and (3) presenting the data. The result of this research is that Solo Basahan clothes and its parts have many cultural meanings that the married couple who use the clothes have to love and appreciate each other, prepare for new life, and also know their own responsibilities in a married life. Moreover, it contains some values such as religious, moral, and social values. This research can be used to be a starting point of the discussion about culture meaning and value in Javanese culture and tradition, and provide a reference for the next research in the wider fields such as historical studies, philosophy, and even linguistics.

Author Information
Annisa Dewi Febryandini, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2018
Stream: Humanities - Other Humanities

This paper is part of the ACAH2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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