Tag: Professional concerns, training and development,
Pedagogical Credo Based on Feminist Pedagogy as a Way to Voice Personal Identities
The underlying assumption in teacher training programs is that formulating a pedagogical identity is an integral part of the process via which an education student becomes an education professional, who can support and defend her approach and actions, and therefore become a better educator.The literature shows that developing a pedagogical credo can support a process …
Depth of Teachers’ Subject Content and Pedagogical Knowledge as Predictors of Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Kwara State, Nigeria
High rate of students’ failure in Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (SSCE) in Nigeria has become a perennial source of worry to all stakeholders. Less than 40% of candidates had credits and above in English language and Mathematics between 2009 and 2015. Previous research efforts have not yielded conclusive explanations for the problem but not much …
Developing Intercultural Awareness in Primary Teacher Training through International Placements: Some Early Reflections on the Spiral Experiment
The European Commission report “Supporting teacher competence development”, published in July 2013, makes primary school teacher training a key priority for Europe’s educational policy. Co-funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ programme, the SPIRAL project aims to address this priority through a collaborative project undertaken by universities and public bodies across five different European …
An Experimental Learning Model for RFID
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) was widely applied in various industries in recent years. The logistics and supply chain is the most common industry applying RFID. While the RFID market is now growing rapidly, RFID professionals demand is increasing sharply. However, there are few RFID courses or trainings provided before logistics and supply chain students’ graduation, …