Tag: Education and post-colonialism,


We Are All Related: Course Design for Reconciliation – Indigenous Nehiyaw (Cree) Teachings and Critical Thinking

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada (established in 2008), worked for six years to show the ongoing legacy and ‘complex truth’ of ‘church run residential schools’. (p. 23). The final report in 2015 led to many initiatives to begin to acknowledge both truth and healing.In 2016-17 a course was designed by a member


Te Wananga O Raukawa: Transforming the Colonial State of New Zealand Through Education

Within the settler state of New Zealand, education has been a force for social transformation, both positive and negative. Throughout the first 150 years of contact between the indigenous Maori and the British colonists, education was one of the strategies employed to assimilate Maori; they were transformed from members of sovereign nations (iwi) into British


A Critical Analysis on Thai University Students’ Reflections towards Politics of the English Language

English language is a gatekeeper to positions of prestige in society (Pennycook 1994,1995), especially due to its dominant status as a world language or as a Lingua Franca. Many take English language as apolitical, particularly in educational systems worldwide, including Thai’s. From a different view, however, there could be many hidden agendas behind the language


The Face of Secondary Education: Students’ Perceptions on the Functional Differences between Schools in Macau

After the handover to China, the complexification of Macau educational circumstances, favored by the progressive expansion of free education coverage due to subsidy schemes introduced by the government and the exceptionally rapid economic growth due to the liberalization of the gambling market, significant pressure has been felt by local secondary schools in order to accommodate


Public Relations Education in an Arab/Islamic Context

Numerous scholars consider the discipline of public relations a western construct, infused with classic Greek rhetoric and Judeo-Christian tradition. In fact, public relations education in many Arab and Islamic countries continues to be based on Anglo-Saxon concepts and knowledge generated by US-UK scholars. A number of critical scholars have referred to the need of addressing


If You Write Back, Do It in English

During the entire European colonial era, the colonisers were able to impose their language/s to the subalterns due to political, economic and social superiority of the Centre/s over their colonial Peripheries. Moreover, in certain aspects, the Centres have managed to maintain that dominant position in some of the former colonies even after they gained independence,


A Study on the Effectiveness of the Education Development Fund as a Post-Colonial Strategy to Control Non-Tertiary Education in Macao SAR

As a former colony of Portugal, Macao has experienced slack control on education, which resulted in the diversity in it today. After its return to Chinese sovereignty in 1999, educational legislations and subsidies have been gradually introduced to schools in an attempt to subject the system to a more public and centralized form of control.


Challenges of Language Education in Post-Colonial Contexts

A problem that persists in post-colonial contexts is the perception that the standard form of languages should prevail on regional dialects and creoles. In many countries (Haiti, Belize, etc.), a creole is spoken at home, while only the standard form of the language is used in the education system. Students face negative attitudes of teachers