Perceived Parental Psychological Control, Impostor Phenomenon, and General Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Students’ Test-Anxiety in Higher Education


This study aims to reveal how impostor feelings and general self-efficacy predict students’ test-anxiety and academic achievements, while testing the effect of perceived parental psychological control using the students’ recollections of their mothers. The sample comprised 142 students, whose age ranges from 20 to 52 (Mage = 27.53, SD = 5.61). The results of a path mediation model revealed that: (a) students’ impostor feelings and self-efficacy were inversely correlated, while, when taken together, only the former was uniquely associated with test-anxiety; (b) Maternal psychological control was indirectly associated with the students’ test-anxiety (through impostor feelings); (c) Test-anxiety and self-efficacy were negatively and positively (respectively) associated with the students’ academic achievements, while test-anxiety fully mediated the association between the students’ impostor feelings and their academic achievements.

Author Information
Yosi Yaffe, Tel-Hai College, Israel

Paper Information
Conference: ACP2024
Stream: Psychology and Education

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