Today some contemporary artists are trying to bring back the ancient images, because they feel that they were much closer to nature than the art of the industrial age. Certain Neolithic forms have been noticeable for a long time and they had great meaning for the ancient cultures. The centric circle, the spiral, the meander, the zigzag and many other shapes are still meaningful to us. Even if we cannot give the right interpretation of their symbolic significance, these forms have some kind of connection to human identity. Most of these geometric shapes have influenced many modern artists. Louis Casha is a Maltese painter who frequently uses geometric motifs and highly symbolic imagery. During the 1960’s, he was one of the first painters in Malta to make use of Maltese prehistoric imagery in his work. His interest to recreate something that had already been created by the prehistoric artist moves him so deeply whenever he paints. Malta’s prehistory is always in his mind. Casha finds a certain similarity between the prehistoric motifs and geometrical designs created in ‘Op art’. This concept is expressed in most of his works.
Author Information
Aloysius (Louis) Lagana, University of Malta, Malta
Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2018
Stream: Arts - Arts Theory and Criticism
This paper is part of the ACAH2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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