"Self-narrative" is the story of their own life experience. This study seeks to describe the researcher's experience of raising a twice-exceptional child in Taiwan. The researcher's first child was identified with developmental delay at the age of 2.5, and he was identified as an intellectually gifted child at the age of 7.5. The researcher states her motherhood experience of accompanying her first child through various developmental stages, including identifying her child's uniqueness, overcoming her concerns and allowing her child to take advanced placement examination, handling her struggles and anxiety for the child's early enrollment, and reflecting on the overall process after the child was identified as an intellectually gifted student. Finally, this study observed that the keys to rearing twice exceptional children successfully are early identification and treatment, recognition of and respect for the child's uniqueness, compensating disadvantages with advantages, cooperation between mother and father, and other people's guidance in the child's life.
Author Information
Yu Lin Ho, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2017
Stream: Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
This paper is part of the ACE2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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